Help Save the Whales on Sunday

May 20, 2010

A statewide protest is set for Sunday, May 23, to put pressure on President Obama to support an international moratorium against commercial whaling.

The International Whaling Commission is scheduled to discuss the moratorium at its June meeting and activists want the White House to send a firm anti-whaling message to commission members.

Locally, an anti-whaling rally, Save the Whales Again, is being planned for Sunday at 10 a.m. at Morro Rock. Scheduled speakers include actor-activist Timothy Bottoms (“Last Picture Show”), John Laird, Democratic candidate for state senate, county supervisor Bruce Gibson, Sarah Christie from the California Coastal Commission, and Mandy Davis from Sea Shepherd.

Petitions calling for the moratorium will be available for signature. Online petitions are also available.

“President Obama is on the verge of breaking a promise to support a worldwide moratorium on whaling,” Davis said. “This has brought criticism from people all over the country.”

Japan, Iceland, and Norway currently engage in whaling activities. Critics claim that Obama is reluctant to jeopardize U.S.-Japan relations over the issue. They point to the White House’s initial support for a draft agreement by the International Whaling Commission to open up whaling again.

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[…] more local input: Also check out Carol’s Critters of the Sea on this […]

Mandy Davis from the Sea Shepherd will be speaking at Morro Bay. I have the greatest amount of respect and admiration for that group, they are so dedicated. I’ll surely be there.

Thanks for getting the word out.

A thought provoking documentary along the same lines is (The Cove). Well worth viewing.

I see whales quite often while sailing and even had an Orca raise the smallish sailboat I was on long ago. I don’t get it either Dave but as a recent in the process becoming vegetarian, I don’t get the whole killing animals for food thing either.

Yes, I highly recommend watching The Cove. Dolphins and Whales are truly highly intelligent creatures

that deserve our protection. Their is no need for these senseless slaughters.