Death rates dive in California

April 4, 2013

deathA state agency has concluded that Californians are healthier and dying at a slower rate than people in other states. The bad news is that fatalities in the Golden State due to Alzheimer’s, chronic liver disease, and suicide are up.

Recently released statistical data from the state Department of Public Health covering the past three years shows that wealthier regions in Marin County and coastal Southern California have the lowest rates, and impoverished Lake County, like other rural areas, the highest.

The correlation between economic and physical health was pervasive in the report.

Each year, on average, 234,637 people die in California.

The lowest cancer death rate was discovered in remote Inyo County, the highest in equally remote Trinity County.

Diabetes deaths were fewer in Marin County, more in San Bernardino. Stanislaus, Kern and San Bernardino reported the highest rate of heart disease related deaths.


County Health Status Profiles 2013 by scprweb

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Very good news. When you dig into the report, San Luis Obispo county ranks #20 out of 58 counties. Also very good news not to be found in reporting on this site. I’d like to see some comments that praise good things that happen. Also, not here. Why does the Tea Party hate our county?

It’s a pretty sad commentary regarding our culture when the effects of alcohol abuse and an inability to cope with life is on the increase.

With respect to Alzheimer’s we aren’t addressing this devastating disease adequately and it’s destroying families.

In California we have to work longer to pay for our house, ex-spouse and the new taxes to fund those great jobs. Maybe with more regulations we could avereage 100 years old, the new 70’s.

It’s great that we pay all this money for useless information. When I worked in public healthcare, I saw this kind of garbage all of the time. These studies fulfill specific reporting requirements and they take forever to compile something that the private sector would do in a month, tops. On top of that there is no useful information, just correlations. What kind of followup was done in Inyo and Trinity counties to determine the demographics, where people had moved from, what industry they worked in? Not that it is relevant because the methodology they use to do their reporting is usually garbage.

I worked in regulatory compliance and I developed several major data collection and reporting systems for a major public healthcare system. Just getting people to fill out surveys and forms was difficult enough. Then there various bureaucrats along the way who would grossly miscategorize data or categorize it in inconsistent ways. They were more interested in how valuable it was for the funding of things and the assignment of FTEs than they were about what the information could actually tell them. By the time the data got the senior management or the public, it was so over simplfiied and distorted it was worthless.

I’m not even sure what my point was anymore, but you know me I’ll take any opportunity to dig in to the public sector. Cheers!