October, 2008

EFI UPDATE: Corporate criminals?

By KAREN VELIE and DANIEL BLACKBURN In an attempt to explain the ongoing financial calamity created by Estate Financial Inc. (EFI), trustees recently held a meeting in which they frequently used the “F” word (fraud) and appeared to explain an apparent... (Continue reading)

Flow, baby, flow: Starbucks keeps water faucets wide open

Starbucks calls it “the dipper well system.” You might call it a million and a half gallons of San Luis Obispo County water wasting down the drain each and every month.... (Continue reading)

Paso city computer pressed into service to slam citizen

At least one Paso Robles city computer was used to post on this Web site’s blog dozens of derogatory, revealing remarks and private information about a citizen in the aftermath of a recent CalCoastNews commentary on Paso Robles police practices.... (Continue reading)

A message for the birds: Avoid this no-fly zone

Pigeons are dropping from the Atascadero skies, bleeding from the eyes and dying after allegedly being drugged by pest control workers ... (Continue reading)