August, 2009

Under investigation, county employee resigns

By KAREN VELIE Public Works Manager Randy Ghezzi resigned Friday amidst allegations of theft of public resources, sources said. At a road crew safety meeting earlier today, it was announced that Ghezzi had resigned and also that the county was “negotiating with... (Continue reading)

Local attorney accused of fraud

By KAREN VELIE Federal bankruptcy court attorneys filed a fraud complaint against attorney Robert “Grigger” Jones, as well as Chris Molina, Daniel Phillips, and the group’s Pejihota LLC for allegedly hiding assets of bankrupt North County developer Kelly Gearhart. Gearhart linked up... (Continue reading)

Investor funds diverted to build go-cart track

By KAREN VELIE A North County developer financed a go-cart track at his Templeton home by having the asphalt contractor change the work address so it would be covered by a group of Real Property Lenders’ (RPL) project investors, according to... (Continue reading)

Local charity linked to international sex scandal

By Karen Velie Sri Lankan Police arrested the overseas agent of the VeAhavta charity, founded by San Luis Obispo attorney Eric Parkinson, for sexually harassing orphans. On August 9, Sinhala police arrested Sellathurai Jeyanesan (also known as Salvaduri Jeyanesan) on a charge... (Continue reading) needs your help to stay the course

Do you enjoy reading’s in-depth news and commentary? Do you like the investigative stories that the mainstream media often ignores until there is an arrest made or a press release provided? Now is your chance to make sure this... (Continue reading)

Police raid home and business of postal worker

By KAREN VELIE In a page right out of the Keystone Cops, police kicked down the door of an unlocked home and then ransacked the property based on a bad tip from an informant. At around 7 p.m. on Monday, an officer... (Continue reading)

SLO ambulance charges second highest in state

By KAREN VELIE San Luis Ambulance service charges, currently under review for another rate increase, have soared over the past five years to one of the highest rates in the state. In 2003, the San Luis Obispo Ambulance base rate for a... (Continue reading)

County counsel mulling answer, or waiting for Gibson, or something else

County counsel Warren Jensen promised to respond to allegations of misdeeds, including backdating contracts, lodged by a Los Osos home owner against Public Works Director Paavo Ogren and others back in April. However, with the county embroiled in sex scandals, high... (Continue reading)

Union negotiator resigns in aftermath of sex scandal

By KAREN VELIE Tony Perry says that his affair with Gail Wilcox began long after the sheriff’s union contract was negotiated and announces his resignation as executive director of the Deputy Sheriff’s Association (DSA), in an e-mail to members of the... (Continue reading)

Hertel claims as many as 300 bank accounts

Ronald Hertel, the local developer forced into bankruptcy by creditors, testified that he has as many as 300 personal bank accounts, though he is not quite sure. During his testimony last week, Hertel said he was unable to explain money transfers... (Continue reading)