March, 2011

Price Canyon Project approved by Pismo Beach

Pismo Beach City Council voted unanimously to move ahead on the first stage of annexing land designated for a proposed Price Canyon development at Tuesday night’s city council meeting. City officials voted 5-0 to approve a memorandum of agreement that also... (Continue reading)

Federal action against Santa Lucia Bank

Santa Lucia Bank received an enforcement action by federal regulators telling its board of directors to improve oversight of the bank’s management staff and operations, according to a written agreement signed late last year. Bank officials agreed to correct all violations... (Continue reading)

Patterson calls for suspension of Smart Meters

County supervisor Jim Patterson wants PG&E to temporarily suspend installation of wireless Smart Meters in San Luis Obispo County until specific issues are addressed. [Tribune] Patterson, 5th District supervisor, will ask fellow board members next week to send a letter... (Continue reading)

Price Canyon project likely to be reduced

At tonight’s Pismo Beach City Council meeting, it is likely that the proposal to build a community in the hills above Pismo Beach along Price Canyon Road will be reduced to a 950 acre project. The former proposal included approximately... (Continue reading)

San Luis Obispo leads the nation in prostate removal

San Luis Obispo doctors are pushing radical prostatectomys at a rate nearly three times the national average, according to a recently released health report. Researchers from the Dartmouth Atlas Project and the Foundation for Informed Medical Decision Making found that male... (Continue reading)