CalCoastNews Series

The life and times of John King

This is a three part series about the history behind developer John King’s start in San Luis Obispo County and the financial challenges he is currently facing.

Love him or hate him, it is indisputable John King’s ventures have in many ways helped restore the aesthetic glory to downtown San Luis Obispo and molded the local hospitality industry thriving today.

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Foreclosures, lawsuits and filings

San Luis Obispo County developer John King’s lifelong climb to success has been clouded in recent years by a series of financial challenges which according to the King Ventures head were brought on by the collapse of the banking industry and were also plaguing several of his former business partners. Rob Rossi, local businessman and sometime partner in King projects, said... (Continue Reading)

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Princess Palms and beheadings: high times turn hairy

Actor turned developer John King and some of his early business investments in the 1960s, notably in Warehouse Sound Co. and California Cooperage, undoubtedly paid off big and afforded him with greater opportunities. But not everything King touched turned to gold. On a trip with a local doctor who wanted to buy property in the U.S. Virgin Islands, King was seduced by... (Continue Reading)

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The life and times of John King

Love him or hate him, it is indisputable John King’s ventures have in many ways helped restore the aesthetic glory to downtown San Luis Obispo and molded the local hospitality industry thriving today. But in these economically challenging times even the King himself could possibly face financial collapse. King, who often refuses to speak to media, sat down with CalCoastNews in... (Continue Reading)

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