Cal Poly partiers accused of racism

November 21, 2013

calpolyCal Poly officials are investigating an alleged gathering of “Colonial Bros and Nava-Hos” that took place last week at an off-campus location. [Tribune]

The fraternity Phi Sigma Kappa is accused of hosting a party last Friday in which men attended in colonial-era costumes and women came dressed in sexually explicit Native American-themed garb. Campus groups and individuals have made complaints that the party was offensive to Native Americans, as well as to women.

Cal Poly President Jeffrey Armstrong decried the party in a university-wide email Tuesday.

“Let us be clear, events like these have no place in the Cal Poly community and are not reflective of the principles of the Mustang Way,” Armstrong wrote. “Obviously, this was not a university sponsored event”

In the email Armstrong announced that the university would host a forum to address the incident. It will take place Friday at noon in Chumash Auditorium Room 204.

Armstrong promised that the university would focus on supporting people who feel negatively affected by the party.

In 2008, Cal Poly closed down the university-owned Crops House after a Halloween party at the home contained a noose depiction, a Confederate flag and a sign with derogatory language toward blacks, gays and hippies.


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Want to read more about the email and the investigation? Check out Cal Poly’s source for

Greek community news, Cal Poly GreekBeat.

Guess we should band the grammer schools from drawing pilgrims, Indians, gathering of the goods and celebrating. I am so sick of all this poilitical c*ap… How the hell did we ever survive the days of past. We definitely need note celebrate Christopher Columbus Holiday, because he brought disease and raped the Indians and the Americas. Shut it all down, pray to know one, celebrate nothing, honor no one, don’t address anyone, help no one. Every man, woman and child and their own. All this discussing behavior is way over the top!

One day we will discover that walking on eggshells is not very fun. Lighten up people.

Do the research. This is racist.

These days It would be faster and easier to do the “research” on what isn’t “racist”.

I get the feeling that “racist” has a slightly different meaning to some than it does to me.

For me, “intent” is fundamental to “racism.” To them, “insensitivity” is all it takes to qualify. The more mature and informed that people are, the more likely that insensitivity shows true racism but college age kids aren’t always particularly mature and membership in a fraternity or sorority is a good indicator of that. (A desperate need for peer-approval seems to be the only logical explanations why people willingly subject themselves to the humiliation prerequisite to joining and the self-destructive “group-think” that occurs afterword.)

I am glad that the Armstrong and others spoke out and condemned the actions — they were stupidly insensitive. But let’s save the “racist” label for those whose intent is at least obvious if not provable. I doubt that most of those involved have learned to make a habit of thinking about others’ reactions to their words and actions prior to speaking and doing. This should be an “educational” moment and punishment — if any beyond public censure — should be appropriate to that purpose. While some involved may already be racists and a few others may well “mature” into that category, lets see if we can bring the majority of them into a real maturity in attitude rather than driving them into the racist camp as a response to over-reaction on our parts.

Ladies and gentlemen, I’ll be brief. The issue here is not whether we broke a few rules, or took a few liberties with our female party guests – we did.

But you can’t hold a whole fraternity responsible for the behavior of a few, sick twisted individuals. For if you do, then shouldn’t we blame the whole fraternity system? And if the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn’t this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? I put it to you, Isn’t this an indictment of our entire American society? Well, you can do whatever you want to us, but we’re not going to sit here and listen to you badmouth the United States of America. Gentlemen!

Still one of the funniest stupid movies ever.


Does anyone else find it strange that the young women attending this party apparently had no problem with being labeled “hos”?

Hey I’m Greek and I find toga parties offensive so let’s ban them!

My horse objects to Cal Poly calling their team “Mustangs”

Sounds like a fun party. Young people having fun and trying to be creative. As the adults we should teach them that some people get their panties in a bunch over this type of

behavior and if they want to stay out of the spotlight they should find more politically

correct ways to party.

But…but…a politically correct frat party is an oxymoron. PARTY ON!

For heaven’s sake. What kind of racist mysognist culture is Cal Poly fostering that this group of students wouldn’t have instinctively known this BS was just plain WRONG?

Yippie yi yo kayah, oh!

“Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary”

I played Cowboys and Indians in the 50’s with my friends and we even carried cap pistols in our holsters and had fun shooting them.

None of us to this date has ever shot anyone.. FYI…

the other day deputies shot the hell out of a mini-van full of kids because they saw a toy gun.

So THEY say…

I’m not sure I believe them…

You didn’t have sex with your little playmates, either. Indian women got raped in real life. The Poly students would have done better just to party naked and skip the cultural baggage.