Man’s dead body found at Mitchell Park in San Luis Obispo

February 21, 2021

Officers stand near the man’s body, which is covered by a black tarp. The man’s belongings are stacked along the sidewalk.

The dead body of a man was discovered Saturday in Mitchell Park in San Luis Obispo, where he appeared to be camping.

At Mitchell Park, home to dozens of people in SLO, another camper discovered the man’s body, which appeared blue, according to scanner traffic. Officers and paramedics arrived at the park shortly before 11 p.m. and determined the man had died.

SLO police and SLO County Sheriff’s deputies are investigating the death. Officials are not releasing the man’s name pending notification of his next of kin.

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May this poor soul finally find a place of of Peace and Eternal Rest. Carried away by Angels.

May he never long for Love or Compassion ever again.

This world can be a sorry place for some people.

Everyone has a story.

(Has anyone here checked out ‘Nomadland’? Highly recommend.)

Given the tens of millions of dollars spent on the homeless industry in this county shouldn’t they be on the streets and steering these people to medical care and self-improvement? No, they just slop at the trough Dee Torres-style. I drove by this guy, oddly positioned part in the landscaping and part on the sidewalk about a half hour before he was reported. I thought something might be odd but just an everyday image in Heidi Harmon’s new San Luis Obispo.

No City permit fee to pitch a tent, just for a bounce-house.

Camping…in a public park that closes at dark….am I the only one that can see how wrong this is?…why doesn’t the writer call it trespassing or illegally camping?…its reporting like this that doesn’t help the matter…Acquiescence by government and the local media is part of the problem….

Vagrancy laws do not apply to our best and brightest in California.

Apparently, it’s not a crime the SLO Police department worries about. Since they don’t do anything.

Government needs money, rather than raise taxes it is time for them to sell real estate such as Mitchell park which no longer works for the good of the community. It is a disgrace.

My mother lives one block from Mitchell Park. I cannot allow her to go there.

The homeless need to set up camp in front of Mayor Harmon and every council members residence.

Maybe we can all rent a bus to send them there. Tell them there is free beer there.

Way to basically ruin our family park as with most parks in our area. Blown away today when I actually saw a family having a picnic at the Morro Bay triangle park on one of the park benches.

The city has let Mitchell Park turn into a homeless camp, and families no longer feel safe going there. I’ve heard multiple stories of a homeless person screaming obscenities at children.

The city has done more than allow homeless camps, they have basically put out the welcome mat and encouraged the homeless to make their way to SLO.

Laguna Lake Park is also full of homeless people camping in tents under bushes and even right out front by the road. Shopping carts, paper trash, bottles, needles – whatever happened to the city’s concern for open spaces and the environment?