Adam Hill heads for divorce court

September 21, 2011

Adam Hill

UPDATE: Third District San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Adam Hill and his wife Virginia Hill apparently reached a settlement, according to courtroom staff who waited for about an hour in case either party in the divorce proceeding decided to show up.

Adam Hill and his wife Virginia Hill are due in court Wednesday morning regarding their pending divorce.

Christopher Duenow, Adam Hill’s attorney, first filed divorce papers on behalf of his client last Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14. However, for reasons that court officials could not explain, the divorce filings are not listed on the county court’s public computer and can only be accessed by knowing a specific file number.

A copy of the filing obtained by CalCoastNews shows a contentious divorce in which both sides accuse the other of abusive behavior.

“During this time (mid-February), Respondent (Virginia Hill) was so verbally abusive to me that my health was adversely affected,” Adam Hill said in the declaration.

Virginia Hill responded by claiming “Adam has engaged in intimidating behavior towards me and I will provide such documentation if necessary to the disposition of the case.”

Both parties agree that Adam Hill cleaned out the couple’s joint checking account, leaving $150 for his spouse. He also turned off Virginia Hill’s  phone and cable.

Adam Hill said in the court papers that he used the checking account funds to rent a new apartment and create a new bank account.

Hill is currently running for re-election to a second term.

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Something very strange is going on with Adam Hill. Sorry to say but his mental health became the topic (for a short while) of a conversation during a dinner party last month. Apparently he is known for inappropriate, rude and defensive responses to Constituents who have politely engaged him in conversation that is either controversial or perceived by Adam Hill to be controversial. One person said that they simply attempted to share some view points with him and he responded with foul language!

The conversation on this topic ended with a general consensuses that he either requires medication at this time of his life or perhaps the problem might be that he has been self medicating! No one seemed to dislike him personally but they thought he has pressures that have rendered him unstable.

You might be right Cindy. Maybe he was always a bit off, after all he’s pretty new to the public. Maybe this is a side of him that we just didn’t see at first. Just guessing, don’t know him well enough to speak with any knowledge. The one time that I’ve spoke with him with he was polite but I could see how he could come off a bit cocky or arrogant.

This wasn’t about arrogance. The conversation was about Adam misinterpreting the intent of non-judgmental constituents who were attempting to engage him in an otherwise non-confrontational discussion surrounding their concerns or view points. He responded with outright FOUL LANGUAGE! This couple are bible thumpers and were literally shocked.

We are talking about a person who hold’s one of the highest political positions in the county here, using foul language, interpreting genuine inquiries as attacks and wheeling disparaging remarks (both in public and private) at constituents.

Just today I had an encounter with Hill. I wonder if alcohol might be an issue (sure smelled like it)?

HA! Our spies are everywhere…good job, TQ.

I’m not surprised. He had to settle with his wife at the last minute after learning that his “buried divorce file” at the SLO court house had been breached. Suddenly his “I couldn’t care what you say in court Virgina” with his cavalier “it’s in the hole” attitude wasn’t quite so “BOS”. It was a bad day for Adam especially after he saw the post’s on the CCN thread as if CCN “outting” him hadn’t been enough.

I think I’ll give him a pass (one pass) for smelling like a brewery but a brickbat for smelling like that in public.

It’s quite simple Cindy…

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Why is this a “hot debate”? This is off-topic, and using a legitimate post about a legitimate concern regarding one of SLOCo’s supervisors, Adam Hill, for a cheap political shot at liberals.

It’s just SSB, it means nothing.

There are a lot of people with mental health issues who aren’t assholes.

I think the “asshole” condition predated any mental health problems he may have developed.

I must have missed this story in the local Tribune.

And frankly, I’m not sure why it’s here on CCN. Seems like a personal family matter to me, none of our business.

Hill is a public figure, if anyone doesn’t want this type of stuff open to the public then they need to not pursue public jobs.

Agreed. What occurs in his personal life does affect his abilities to act on behalf of the public.

Isn’t it a viscous circle of public figures? One week it’s the police, then the fireman, next the sheriff, next the city Council, next a County Supervisor. does it ever end? CCN gives us up to the minute slop on every public figure out there. Wonder if this is going to make Dave’s show.

You’re finally catching on. Yep, screw the public or try to sweep something under the rug and join the weekly rotation. Seems like just the thing this city needs to me.

Damn skippy, mkaney! I think this is long over-due in a lot of towns and municipalities.

Points taken, cindy & typo, and I’ve changed my mind. After reading your comments and especially the above posts from Katie Evans & MarkJames, now I get it.

Anybody else who files for divorce files publicly. Why did Adam Hill receive special treatment? That’s a big part of this story to me.

Privileges of the administrative classes .

Agreed. What I don’t get is why he went so far as to claim “verbal abuse.” Why get so detailed? Was he trying to get or protect specific property in the divorce? Why not just claim “irreconcinble differences” and leave it at that? Sounds like he changed his mind once Velie got involved.

Because he abused the power of his elected office for his own personal benefit, for the benefit of his shack-up, Torres, and for the detriment of his wife from whom he was seeking a divorce.

If Adam hill has been sleeping with Torres and did not recuse himself from each and every vote which would impact Torres and the agency she runs, then there is a huge conflict of interest. Depending on the nature of the conflict of interest, if convicted, he could get jail time.

Filed on Valentine’s Day and left $150.00 in the bank account,,,,,,,cold blooded. I understand that there’s two sides to every story so I’m trying not to place judgment but AH is making it very difficult, he’s not looking too good these days.

As avidgonadnote was saying, it appears that he’s become your typical power hungry corrupt politician. It seems that 99% of our politicians become power hungry liars but re. AH it seems to have come faster than with most. Usually they become corrupt/power hunger after their 2nd term, one can only imagine what will happen to him if he gets reelected. Geez, I don’t know who to vote for, neither appears to be an option. Very disappointing.

Maybe it’s the “big-fish-in-the-small-pond” syndrome.

Any destructive relationship is sad.

I get the feeling it all went downhill after the election. He changed. He was now a public figure attending dozens of events. I think the position went to his head. He may not have “absolute” power but power corrupts absolutely.

$150 for his spouse? Weren’t there stepchildren involved in this marriage. Nice guy….

I wonder what Ms. Torres thinks about Hill’s treatment of his wife?

Does Torres even consider the fact that it is highly likely Hill will treat Torres the same when it comes time for him to move on to his next shack-up?

Hill’s political career is over, it’s in the tank. Once he loses his power Torres will lose interest (IMO).

I hope you’re right about Hill’s political career, Typo!

Ah, POWER, I wondered what it could possibly be……

Personally, always sad when folks air their linen publicly.

One can only wonder if there is a 3rd, 4th or 5th wheel in the picture?

Already established, Roger. Dee Torres. Hill votes on funding for her org.

““During this time (mid-February), Respondent (Virginia Hill) was so verbally abusive to me that my health was adversely affected,” Adam Hill said in the declaration.”

Explains a lot, if he can’t take the heat from his wife, how can he handle the Pressure of the complaints from his constitcuents?

Gotta wonder if the verbal abuse was a result of those Valentines day gifts Mr. Hill gave his wife ?

I think the “verbal abuse” may have been related to Mrs. Hill finding out her husband had been screwing another woman, and Mrs. Hill’s subsequent worry about whether or not she had contracted an STD from Mr. Hill and his shack-up, Ms. Torres.

He probably called her a racist.

A real shame for sure. Their court declarations sound like a modern couple just made for each other.

Now Hill’s misplaced anger and agressive behaviour at public meetings is beginning to make more sense. Nobody’s safe if they have a different opinion or belief.

A pity. Hill’s constituents and SLO County deserve a leader in control of their emotions..

“In control of their emotions”? LOL.

Supervisor Hill can’t even control his johnson.

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