Adam Hill heads for divorce court

September 21, 2011

Adam Hill

UPDATE: Third District San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Adam Hill and his wife Virginia Hill apparently reached a settlement, according to courtroom staff who waited for about an hour in case either party in the divorce proceeding decided to show up.

Adam Hill and his wife Virginia Hill are due in court Wednesday morning regarding their pending divorce.

Christopher Duenow, Adam Hill’s attorney, first filed divorce papers on behalf of his client last Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14. However, for reasons that court officials could not explain, the divorce filings are not listed on the county court’s public computer and can only be accessed by knowing a specific file number.

A copy of the filing obtained by CalCoastNews shows a contentious divorce in which both sides accuse the other of abusive behavior.

“During this time (mid-February), Respondent (Virginia Hill) was so verbally abusive to me that my health was adversely affected,” Adam Hill said in the declaration.

Virginia Hill responded by claiming “Adam has engaged in intimidating behavior towards me and I will provide such documentation if necessary to the disposition of the case.”

Both parties agree that Adam Hill cleaned out the couple’s joint checking account, leaving $150 for his spouse. He also turned off Virginia Hill’s  phone and cable.

Adam Hill said in the court papers that he used the checking account funds to rent a new apartment and create a new bank account.

Hill is currently running for re-election to a second term.

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I’m sorry to her of his personal failings, but he was elected to do a job, which he seems unable to do without relying on the blame game Do your job without partisanship, keep a civil tongue in your head, and do not bring your personbal baggage into the arena…

Any one who attends or listens to the board of sups meetings on Tuesdays get an earful and eyeful of this fellows shenanigans. He is a rude and foul mouthed liberal who spouts the party line and disses anyone who has the cahones to stand up and speak…

He is unashamedly disdainful of the public. It will be a very sad day and indicative of the level of voter awareness if this man is re-elected.

While the public sector can fire him (not re-elect), he will always have the Cal Poly teat to suck from… Heck, I bet he fits right in!

Can supervisors be recalled?

Being a “liberal” has nothing to do with it.

Don’t make me start posting my lists of conservative douche-bags.

I heard Dee Torres on Dave Congalton last night. I didn’t realize that she was Adam Hills girlfriend.

What I did notice and take exception to was her self serving statements about her position with the homeless agency. All the while that she spoke, I had the distinct impression that it was her position rather than the homeless and destitute that she was most concerned about. She constantly attacked Dan De Vaul and went so far as to say that the homeless were better off sleeping in a car with no shelter or heat rather than allowing them the choice to seek the comfort offered by DeVaul. She went so far as to erroneously state that the water at DeVaul’s ranch was contaminated despite a clean health bill on the water.

This woman has a hidden agenda and struck me as a narcissistic power monger.

I, too, had that feeling while listening to her. I didn’t sense much compassion, but a lot of politics and defensive comments. Too entrenched perhaps? I really don’t see how Hill can vote on issues relating to the funding of the program.

“I really don’t see how Hill can vote on issues relating to the funding of the program.”

I was wondering about the same thing. I checked on it and was informed that they can vote to fund “non profits” even if the supervisor personally knows the director or other persons involved who might gain in some way through that funding.

I asked if “sharing a bed with them” is a bit beyond simply knowing someone because that certainly sounds like a conflict of interest to me! It seems like funding a non profit could be the equivalent of funding someones pay check and job security? I didn’t get a clear answer on that.

INDEED, Cindy. Like Paavo Ogren and his own shack-up, Maria Kelly, it appears Supervisor Hill has voted on funding for a program, run by Torres, which constitutes a big conflict of interest for him.

People forget that the rest of California, and laws regulating politicians whoring their elected office for their own benefit (or for the benefit of someone with whom the politician has a significant relationship) actually are enforced, politicians do get convicted, and they do sometimes spend time in jail.

Cindy, who did you check with?

I just googled “conflicts of interest” and “nonprofit,” and there are many ways in which a nonprofit agency and/or organization can have “conflicts of interest.”

Adam Hill is held to the same conflicts-of-interest County regulations as is Paavo Ogren is. The County’s elected and appointed staff/politicians certainly are held to an ethical code, including specifics about how to handle conflicts of interest.

The following is quoted from a 2009 CCN article:



July 22, 2009 — KAREN VELIE

….San Luis Obispo County officials have adopted a conflict of interest code patterned after the state Government Code. Both require financial disclosures by elected and appointed county officials and specific employees. The state code prohibits county employees from benefiting from any contract approved by his or her department…..



In addition, here is the URL to the State of California Government Code regarding ethics and conflicts of interest:

California Codes, Government Code

Section 87300-87314

I understand your reasoning Mary but take a closer look at this document. It refers to Conflict of Interest Codes pertaining to employees. This code was penned and adopted by the BOS as (implementing COI code) is required by law. The Sup’s are elected officials not employees and Torres is an independent contractor.

Ex Parte rules do apply to the Sups but if you look at how they have defined “conflict of interest”, it refers to casting a vote or engaging in an action where one can expect to benefit through financial gain, acquisition, a gift, a promotion etc. Nowhere does it address benefiting in the bedroom! Unless they benefit through financial or material gain in some fashion, they are not require to recuse themselves or disclose their relationship to a petitioner.

That is my understanding based on what I was told and I believe it’s confirmed in what I just read, but please feel free to challenge the absurdity of it all. I didn’t exactly get a black and white answer when I inquired about these specific shenanigans. The person I spoke with is a long lived, retired politician

Does anyone know if Dee Torres is married? I believe that someone said in another thread that she was married to a public figure. Just wondering.

I wonder if Ms. Torres got a “leg up” to her position from Adam Hill the same way Maria Kelly got a “leg up” from Paavo Ogren?

Perhaps both ‘legs up’?


LOL, with the two of you, that was a good one.

Yes, It would be very interesting to inquire into the process that served to pin a Director name tag on Dee. I don’t know anything about her, perhaps she is well educated in the field and perfectly competent. BUT……….her boyfriend is a BOS and a rather ill behaved one at that.

His time is up, he’s on his way out the door,,unless he runs unchallenged. I can’t imagine anyone not wining over him.

This isn’t Hill’s first tryst, nor will it be his last. He & his CURRENT girl friend are cut from the same cloth…you know what they say about “Birds of a feather”…Don’t re-elect this arrogant fool…

Thank you CCN for putting this out there. Adam Hill is not the Supervisor for my district, i’m stuck with Bruce Gibson, but he is the head of the BOS. Living in Los Osos, we have had to deal with his personality directly. I guess if he can’t take a verbal abuse from his wife, verbal abuse from the general public must be over the top for him. Enough so to have the Sheriff on hand. Please voters, don’t elect this guy again.

Any chance of this public document being place on CCN?

I think Adam Hill’s biggest problem is that he calls anyone who does not agree with him stupid, idiot or uneducated. He is too insecure to listen to conflicting points of view. He loses it, yells curses and calls people names. He is an embarrassment to the entire county.

During the redistricting talks, he told several people, who are more educated and politically astute than Adam, that their views are uneducated and stupid.

Also, he went after John Shoals calling his boss to complain about a possible motive by PG&E to have John run against him. Adam did not believe Shoals had already decided not to run against him for supervisor. He is not only paranoid, he is unable to control himself when his delusions set in. He then went after PG&E through his position.

At the same time, he is doing everything in his power to provide funding for the homeless service agency that is overseen by his girlfriend, Dee Torres, who is the agency’s director. At the same time he battles against other homeless support groups. I wonder if the Valentine’s Day divorce was a gift to Dee.

I can only imagine the hell his wife endured living with such an unstable dictator.

I also can imagine that he saw this story, realized his divorce was no longer incorrectly filed and hidden from the public, and decided to pay his wife, who was widowed before marring Adam, support before she aired their laundry to the public as she threatened to do in her declaration. Good for you Virginia!

“I also can imagine that he saw this story, realized his divorce was no longer incorrectly filed and hidden from the public” – “decided to pay his wife support before she aired their laundry to the public as she threatened to do in her declaration”

I think you’re correct there Kate, I don’t know what time this story posted on the site but the first response to it can be noted in this thread at 4:43am. The court staff stated that they waited for the Hills to appear this morning for their scheduled divorce proceeding (to show cause) but they never arrived!

Does it sound appropriate that Adam Hill was able to have his divorce hearing incorrectly filed and veiled from public view? Public records are supposed to be available to the public but the court assisted Hill in playing hide and seek, I think that would be illegal if it wasn’t proven to be intentional. Karen is a good detective.

“I think that would be illegal if it wasn’t proven to be intentional.”

Sorry I meant, “I think that would be illegal if it WAS proven to be intentional.”

I would think that someone could complain to either the Grand Jury or county administrator Jim Grant to investigate and make sure this relationship is on the up and up. Maybe Grant can do this after he finishes investigating Paavo Ogren.

KatieEvans says: ” that their views are uneducated and stupid.”

Perhaps he meant “educated stupid”?

Each and everyone of us has the most powerful job, vote. Be selfish, vote for your advocate, your spokesperson, your pocket book.. That’s right, be selfish, an honest vote and move on.

Doesn’t SLO County have black-box voting?

What does this guy do at Cal Poly? PLEASE, don’t tell me he teaches…

This is why professors make HORRIBLE politicians (i.e. Woodrow Wilson, et. al.); in my opinion, professors, especially once tenured, do not have to worry much about performance, getting fired, or people saying “no” to them. If they are sequestered in academia long enough they get used to just having their way, being the little baron of their own fiefdom.

Then they go into public service and lookout! Here comes criticisms, disagreements, even simple honest questions about decisions or points made. This is all pretty alien to someone so isolated in the halls of higher education.

Let professors teach and theorize. Let people who work and live in the real world do the leading, even if they’re often not much better.

Adam Hill is or was (I think he retired) an English instructor. He was not a tenure track professor. The instructors are similar to temporary teachers as they have yearly or multi-year contracts, and do not have the same requirements (PHDs) to be hired. In the English Department they teach the writing classes for freshmen and sophomores.

When you elect someone to a powerful position you would hope that at least at the starting line he would be stable enough so as to advise, analyze, comprehend, and direct concerns, issues and problem solving for this County. The article explains alot about Adma Hill! Again, the taxpayers are scammed when the man can’t even take the heat from us own wife. And the bigger question, why is he getting special treatment regarding the Court records. Again, bend over everyone of you little seifs….

Is this a precursor to Hill’s pending stress-related disability claim?

(That is conjecture on my part. I have no knowledge of Hill *actually* having a pending stree-related disability claim. Though if he were to have one, my guess is that he will withhold filing it until shortly after he loses the election.)

“During this time (mid-February), Respondent (Virginia Hill) was so verbally abusive to me that my health was adversely affected,”

If he files, he will have a hard time over coming that statement and collecting from the public disability insurance funds for job related stress.

I’m thinking its a precursor to the Paavo-Maria-Kelly-type scandal and vote-fixing/conflicts of interest scandal we will soon learn about.

Just guessing….