Deaths in SLO County from Valley fever on the rise

February 4, 2017

Valley FeverIn the first month of 2017, there have been 26 confirmed cases of Valley Fever in San Luis Obispo County and two deaths. Over the past eight years, the number of confirmed cases has more than doubled.

In 2009 there were 87 reported cases in San Luis Obispo County. Last year, there were 220 confirmed cases of Valley Fever and five deaths.

The disease is spread by a fungus that grows naturally in portions of Arizona and California. In the past, most cases of Valley Fever were found in the Central Valley. Now, San Luis Obispo County is becoming a hot spot.

In contrast, in 2016 Santa Barbara County reported only 56 cases of Valley Fever.

Most people who breathe in the spores develop no symptoms at all. Others, about 40 percent, develop flu-like symptoms including cough, congestion, fever, fatigue, body aches and headaches that can last a month or more. Valley Fever can lead to severe pneumonia, meningitis and death.

The Mayo Clinic’s website advises people in areas with the spores to be aware of the symptoms. With treatment at the first sign of symptoms, most people will recover without problems.

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I have a friend who owns a ranch in CA VALLEY that about 5 months ago was feeling extremely sick , the first 30 days of sickness her doctor was giving her pneumonia pills , 2nd month he changed pills for different type of pneumonia . She was getting sicker each day not able to go to work might lose the ranch or die . On a sunday i told her to ask her doctor to test her for VALLEY FEVER on monday , he told her its highly unlikely she has VALLEY FEVER . on tuesday he called her and said ‘GO TO EMERGENCY ROOM NOW ,, YOU HAVE A VERY SEVERE CASE OF VALLEY FEVER !!!!!!! She was feeling close to great health in 3 weeks once they started treating her for valley fever . I believe her doctor was possibly an out of area doc and was not used to ca valley patients . I am not a doctor but i did live for 30 years in slo county . A second opinion or third opinion is always a good idea in my book .


Indeed. I contracted VF on 11/21/16 here in SLO CNTY while living here in Atascadero and was misdiagnosed by a M.D./Intern, an ENT, an Opthamologist aka M.D., and an emergency room M.D. All of these “medical professionals” practice in Atascadero, Templeton and SLO. It wasn’t until 01/03/17 that another new M.D. saw a precursor in my blood report that others missed leading to the proper tests and confirmation. I finally started treatment on/about 01/13/17 for what was just recently confirmed as VF Meningitis.

Yay me! :(

The incompetence by most of the medical pros I’ve encountered in my short time living here (since 09/2016) this county is embarrassing. They should all be aware that this area is prone to VF and know the systems like the back of their hands.


I was new to the area, moving up from concrete jungle OC, so I wasn’t, but expect medical professionals to be in tune.

I was sadly mistaken.


The infectious disease doctor I’m being treated by now says that after the rains stop this spring, there is going to be a very large bloom of the bacteria and VF is going to be a big, big problem across SLO. I hope this info helps you in your awareness.

What’s the connection between infectious waste and Valley Fever? It’s time to stop the dumping of infectious waste–also known as biosolids–on open land (where it can become airborne and inhaled). “Valley fever” is much more than meets the eye/nose/lungs.

None. You’re getting your peanut butter in my chocolate with that line of thought.

You’re implying that valley fever isn’t a well known fungus infection–present for thousands of years, but an “array” of illnesses that is labeled valley fever to cover up for the bio-solids industry.


You can test for it….mystery solved.

Your concern over bio-solids is warranted, as the heavy metals etc. associated with the solids are not as enviro-friendly as made out to be. But can we avoid giving this subject the “vaccine” treatment? Valley Fever is often misdiagnosed. Contributing to that confusion with disinformation doesn’t help anyone. The brain bug you reference is bad, but is isn’t valley fever.

Valley Fever is a known fungus, that occurs naturally in the soil. The reason we’re seeing more of it on the coast lately is because we’re unearthing more soil—housing development, grazing pasture becomes a furrowed rowed winery. Price of progress. I guess.

It is the turning of the soil hat allows the fungus to spread–like pollen–naturally. No man made boogey man or conspiracy here.

Thanks for reporting on Valley Fever. We have Valley Fever spores in the soil in Paso, and when excavations for hotels and houses take place , people are more at risk. We have had one person and two dogs in our neighborhood contract Valley Fever. Please report on if you know of recent cases. Although the County Health Department tracks the locations for Valley Fever for people, they will not release the information to the public.

Good info. Here, I fixed your link to the site…

Not sure why the reply to LA Rams fan did not get attached to his comment…

Thanks for that…

Here’s something for dog owners on this subject….…/valley-fever-in-dogs/2246