Supervisor Adam Hill mounts social media attack

January 3, 2018


With less than a week left before the San Luis Obispo County  Board of Supervisors elects a new chair,  Vice Chair Supervisor Adam Hill has mounted a social media attack on the three-member board majority. [Cal Coast Times]

Hill has gone on the offensive, even though the board and the public have long debated whether or not his behavior should preclude him from receiving the chairmanship. The liberal-leaning supervisor was passed over for the chairmanship last year following allegations from the public and the board that he is a disrespectful bully.

As members of the public rally their allies to fight for or against Hill’s chairmanship in 2018, Hill is posting demeaning cartoons, comments and rhetoric attacking the three-member board majority.

On Saturday, Hill posted a cartoon on his Facebook page that ridicules the conservative board majority, particularly female supervisors Lynn Compton and Debbie Arnold. The cartoon, which was created by Russell Hodin and published in the New Times, shows Compton and Arnold kneeling at the feet of Supervisor John Peschong, who is flanked by Mike Brown, of the Coalition of Labor, Agriculture and Business (COLAB).

“The Unholy Trinity and their Satanic Svengali,” Hill wrote in the Facebook post.

A Svengali is a person who completely dominates a woman, usually with selfish or sinister motives.

“I am deeply offended by the recent political cartoon depicting Supervisor John Peschong with Supervisors Lynn Compton and Debbie Arnold on their knees at his feet,” said local activist Julie Tacker. “The cartoon sets women’s equality back 50 years. While these supervisors represent a conservative constituency, none of these elected officials believe women are less than equal at that dias and equally serve their districts.”

Hill also included a quote in his post from Tom Fulks’ Tribune column attacking Compton, Arnold and Peschong.

“Trump’s local Mini-Me minions — Compton, Arnold and Peschong — emulate his governing ineptitude with destructive effect. For this they deserve vigorous resistance as well,” Fulks wrote.

Fulk’s, a political consultant who has worked for Hill, posts a doctored photo of Peschong and Compton on Facebook, again promoting Hill’s assertions that Republican men control their female counterparts.

In addition, Hill has paid to promote multiple Facebook posts that attack the board majority while promoting inaccurate or manipulative claims about board actions.

Hill wrote that the board majority’s approach to marijuana legislation is heavy handed and will result in a shortage of marijuana. He then links his post to an error ridden article on KSBY in which he is a source. For example, the article incorrectly states that “growers must own the land,”  though farmers are permitted to grow marijuana on rental property with the owner’s approval.

At a recent meeting of marijuana growers, only two people in the room raised their hand when asked if they supported an attempt to repeal the recently passed county marijuana ordinance. Several of the small farmer voiced concerns that because of the mass amount of marijuana produced by large corporations, many local growers were unable to sell last years crop, and an unregulated industry would put them out of business.

On Jan. 9, the board is scheduled to select a chair for 2018.

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Adam Hill and Tom Fulks. Ugly inside and out. What an embarrassment.


Sadly, Adam Hill here puts his immaturity and tomfoolery on full display, and he must not be allowed the position of board chairmen given this appalling lack of judgement. His supporters ought to think seriously before again elevating a man like this to represent the Central Coast, and the fact that Mr. Hill is in ANY leadership position ought to embarrass us all.

We are better than Adam Hill.

Mr. George Bailey

Where and who actually voted for these people. No wonder our state is so messed up because the leaders are messed up. The state will get billions from marijuana taxes so it’s OK with them that everyone uses it. Yes it helps some ill people which is fine but the state now wants their 100% plus share so it just boils down to money as they don’t care about the people and never will.

He does not deserve to be this year’s board chairman, in fact, never in any year!!

What a complete ass.

This is a perfect example why more people need to get pro actively involved with their politics prior to elections. It’s so important that mature, level headed people who can think clearly and have the experience needed to make very important decisions that affect us all get elected to these important positions. At times it appears that some, not all, politicians are more interested in promoting themselves than serving the public.

The behavior of those who represent the democrat party on a local and national level is going to continue to alienate their reasonable constituants. The party is moving in a very radical direction.

If JFK were alive today he wouldn’t be a right wing republican.

Now that marijuana is legal for pain as well as for fun thinking, are the Board members or any of the we decide for you staff allow to use that stuff? California State Politics is singing,” If you want it, here it is, come and get it, make your mind up fast”, so should we pass a bill that requires drug testing for all decision makers? Example: “What was funny?” We don’t know but can’t stop laughing, unanimous vote for a pay raise, the roads are still better than dirt.

Adam Hill and his supporters must be smoking Crack,

What a complete Buffoon,