Suspect snatches customer’s wallet at downtown SLO restaurant

June 19, 2018

San Luis Obispo police are searching for a man who stole a customer’s wallet at a downtown SLO restaurant Monday afternoon. [Cal Coast Times]

Police have released surveillance footage which appears to show the wallet was left on a table where no one was seated. The suspect walks up to the table, grabs an item off of it, sticks it behind his back and in one of his pockets and then walks off.

A still image of the suspect appears to show the man was wearing a necklace with a cross. Police are asking anyone who recognizes the man to contact officer Benson through dispatch at (805) 781-7312.

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I do not think it’s ok to steal, however, I cannot believe someone would leave their wallet/purse/valuables sitting on a table and think that it’s not going to disappear at some point. Gone are the days where we could leave our houses and cars unlocked, let alone a wallet unattended on a table in a restaurant.

Uh, maybe the person simply forgot the phone for a moment? Wy do you think someone purposefully left it there?

Wear a cross, steal a wallet…wtf!!

That looks like Blaze Pizza

I don’t even recognize the place. But I do see some cheap, uncomfortable bar stools. I hope they catch this guy. Make me want to plant a wallet somewhere and see who steals it.