Treasurer of Nipomo FFA nonprofit convicted of embezzlement

February 7, 2019

Chandra Mehlschau

The former treasurer of a nonprofit associated with the Nipomo High School FFA program pleaded no contest Tuesday to felony embezzlement.

Chandra Dee Mehlschau, 48, stole approximately $11,000 from Ag Friends between Dec. 15, 2015 and April 10, 2018 while working as the organization’s treasurer, according to the San Luis Obispo County District Attorney’s Office. Ag Friends is a nonprofit that provides scholarships and other educational opportunities to students interested in gaining leadership experience in the field of agriculture.

Mehlschau, of Nipomo, is facing 90 days in jail and three years of felon probation. She will be required to pay restitution for the money she embezzled.

Sentencing in the case is scheduled for March 19.

An Ag Friends fundraiser Chandra Mehlschau was advertising on Facebook

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What a sad story. My experience with restitution is, she will make one payment at most and that will be it. I am still owed $7000 plus 10% interest per year from an accident in 2006, but no one at Probation cares. I even located the perp a few times for them, but they blew me off. Don’t expect any help from them.

So sad that Gen’s offspring has soiled the family name. Gene Mehlschau was such a huge SLO county agricultural fixture. He was a true leader and contributor to his community. Hopefully this will be a learning experience for Chandra and she will give back 10 fold what she has taken from others.

The love of money strikes again.

These stories always surprise me because the dollar amounts are much less than a long time car dealership employee who embezzled over $100k and it never made the news. She did maybe a month in county and is making restitution payments of about $60 a month. I personally think her name and photo should have been published so potential employers know to watch out for her. Word is she works for a local dry cleaner. Watch out ladies, your clothes may not really be lost at the laundry…

At least the little guys are held to account, it’s too scary and close to home to go after the major criminals though

This woman is well-qualified to be a SLO County administrator.

Well Dan Dow, it’s time to arrest Bill Worrell, Charles Tenborg and James Wagstaffe for frauding the court, perjury, suborning perjury, conspiracy, and embezzlement. It’s your job and the only way you can separate yourself from them.

Dan Dow is not afraid of a little girl. He is, however, afraid of the Adam Hill gang. Adam Hill has judges and unlimited funding through developer and marijuana $. Dan Dow is just trying to stay alive in a very corrupt environment. A lot like prison, I would guess. Do the right thing Dan, the truth will set you free.

Is Dan Dow afraid of Adan Hill or is he just protecting one of his friends? as he has done several times, John Wallace for one.

Knowing now, with overwhelming evidence, that the Tenborg vs CCN lawsuit was an attempt to stop the reporters from uncovering that the IWMA was operating as a criminal enterprise, I suppose Wagstaffe was an accomplice in covering up a serious crime.

Such a shame. She stole money from the very kids she pledged to help and instead bought herself tons of junk and nice food. I’m guessing she’ll do 50 days and walk away because she sure doesn’t have the $11,000 to pay buy back.

This is another reminder to the smaller non-profits that you need double protection to protect yourself from the person handling the money as well as protecting the person from false allegations.