The state is taking our right to use the Oceano Dunes
July 10, 2019

Peter Keith
Ok, you own an ‘off road’ recreational vehicle and you enjoy recreating on Oceano beach or the adjoining sand dunes. You don’t mind paying the standard few bucks to enter the official ‘off road’ area for a full day of great fun and smiles for your entire family. You and your children learn so much about unity, machine mechanics, the dynamics of driving off road, including driving courtesy and elements of balance, safety, etc….
Well get ready, because you, me and a host of thousands and thousands of people just like us are about to lose something quite precious, that is the freedom to access Oceano Beach and Dunes with the solemn intent to simply have some good clean family fun.
Yes, the state in the form of the mighty California Coastal Commission is being urged (by their staff) to shut down access for recreational vehicular purposes in the popular Oceano Dunes and Beach!
What sort of duplicitousness is this?
Guess what one of the primary directives of the California Coastal law is…… Their raison d’etre. You guessed correctly if you said, ‘the enhancement of access to California’s beaches and the furtherance of public recreational activities.’ Not necessarily a quote but a paraphrase close enough to be a twin, or parallel statement.
Have Coastal Commission staff attorneys neglected to recognize state law regarding ‘prescriptive rights’? Paraphrasing and interpreting that law simply means, if a particular action occurs on a property owned by others (consistently) for five years or more without restriction or attempt to stop said action the right to access will be sustained (permitted) as a use in perpetuity!
The complainers regarding their health moved into their new homes not more than 25 or 30 years ago (prior to that, no complaints from existing homeowners). On the other hand, vehicular recreational activity on the beach and dunes has existed for more than 100 years! I would ask you, who are the fools here?
Why is the Coastal Commission staff recommending that voting members of the commission (the Coastal Commission meeting is to be held at SLO Embassy Suites July 11, beginning at 9 a.m.) to severely reduce or eliminate beach and dune motorized vehicles from historic entry to the dunes? When I suggest ‘historic use,’ I mean the beach and dunes have had motorized vehicles in use on them since the late nineteenth century (this of course being the 21st century). Chew on that for a bit.
Is this obtuse recommendation their response to a few people downwind who are chronic complainers about ‘dust in the wind’? Yes, it is! Did SLO County officials allow the removal and destruction of hundreds and hundreds of trees, primarily and historically planted and used to screen, slow or stop the flow of airborne particulate matter (sand/silica)? Yes, they did exactly that.
The county did this hatchet job (pun intended) at the request of home building developers simply so more homes could be built! Subsequently, SLO County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) has manipulated data over a period of time to demonstrate airborne particulate matter has exceeded federal or state standards on a number of occasions on an annual basis, while placing blame and the onus of accountability on ‘off road recreational vehicles.
What don’t these people get?
I have an answer, it’s not what they don’t get, it’s what they want to manipulate to serve their own selfish purposes. They are damning families who enjoy using their toys in the dunes…. You know, those bad, bad gas guzzlers.
Didn’t those home buyers sign a document in their home purchase escrow accounts acknowledging their complete understanding of downwind airborne sand and silica in the atmosphere and that their homes and ambient air flow would or could affect them in some manner? Yes, they were notified and yes, they signed off on the document!
Hippocrates. If you move your residency next to a busy airport then complain about airport noise, you certainly appear to be what you actually are, a nimby hypocrite! That is precisely what is happening locally only in a parallel universe of sand dunes instead of an airport.
Why is it that (annually) literally thousands of people from all over the world come to SLO South County spending $243,000,000 dollars every single year? Because they enjoy playing on the beach and the dunes, they thoroughly relish riding dune buggies, ATV’s and/or paying for a dune/beach tour from one of the several beach tour companies located locally.
Remember that dollar number, $243,000,000, that’s a lot’a clams’ babe! What will happen to South County’s financial stability when that money is gone?
Should SLO County and South County in particular lose those kinds of significant tourist dollars?
Could we actually suffer yet survive the twin losses of hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars from the closing of Diablo Nuclear Power Plant, as well as another magnitude of great financial loss if the dunes close to off road recreation?
I have thought about this potential devastation long and hard for more than 20 years, I have great and significant reservations about the financial survivability of South County businesses and indeed the continued sovereignty of South County governments.
With those kinds of financial losses who or what is going to come to the rescue of financially starved government agencies and failed businesses? The few homeowners who signed off on their understandings of wind driven particulate? Nope, not them! You and I will be taxed heavily yet again to make up that delinquent debt! What about hundreds of failed businesses as a result of dune/beach closure?
Where do those owners and employees go to make a living? Where will you go to purchase your needs when those businesses are broke and closed? And I mean, banks, grocery stores, drug stores, fueling stations, clothing merchants, all manner of retail shops, and services such as landscape maintenance (you’ll be too broke to afford that service!), dry cleaning, restaurants, bars (or saloons if you prefer), auto repair….. the list is endless.
Consider this statement taken directly from the Calififornia Coastal Commissions Public Resources Code, division 20. California Coastal Act, Article 3. recreation, Item 30221: “Ocean front land suitable for recreational use shall be protected for recreational use……”
In summary:
The Coastal Commission and APCD staff are both recommending (or demanding if you like) that vehicular recreation both in the Oceano dunes and the beach be discontinued now or over a short, limited period of time. Thereby saying in their recently released report, it is no longer appropriate to use those land areas for the continued, historical use, of ‘off road vehicles.’
There is so much more to this unhappy story.
Please attend the 9 a.m., July 11 Coastal Commission meeting at the Embassy Suites in San Luis Obispo abd voice your opinion. Or simply write a brief note, card or letter letting the commissioners know of your objection to the closure of our precious Oceano Dunes vehicular recreational areas.
If the dunes close where are you going to ride? What replacement recreation will you discover? Or, if you prefer to continue to want off road riding entertainment you will be forced to drive hundreds of miles to California deserts just to enjoy yourselves again. Then what? Will too many people with recreation vehicles show up in permitted desert areas and yet again ignite another demand for discontinuation?
Peter Keith is a former Grover Beach mayor and two term council member. He played an active and leadership role in the cities name from Grover City to Grover Beach. He is an avid A.T.V., motorcycle and dune buggy advocate and participant in off highway recreational use.
Peter is also a founding member (18 years) of the ‘Technical Review Team’ representing the local business communities interest in maintaining Oceano Dunes access for off road vehicles, the ‘Technical Review Team’ reports to various state agencies including the Coastal Commission regarding planned habitat, etc. In 1977, Peter was a member of the Grover citizens team which wrote the original ‘Local Coastal Plan,’ the first such plan to be certified by the State of California. Please note, Peter’s expressed views are not necessarily representative of those of the T.R.T. but rather are his personal views and understandings.
Peter is also the founder of the annual ‘Stone Soup Music Festival’ in Grover Beach (29 years). Peter has a strong and long standing interest in a wide variety of community events and non-profit organizations as a financial sponsor and/or executive board member. He can be reached at,
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