Crime pays in San Luis Obispo

August 26, 2019
T. Keith Gurnee

T. Keith Gurnee


The Tribune’s recent editorial regarding SLO city’s building inspector Christopher Olcott’s incarceration in a “pay-to-stay” jail utterly missed the mark. It is the City of San Luis Obispo that is actually paying him to stay in cushy detention.

After being caught red-handed on video cold-cocking a young woman in a bar, Olcott was placed on “paid administrative leave” with his $68,000 annual salary in tact since April 16. While he remains on paid leave for more than four months now, his monthly salary is more than enough to cover his 60-day so-called sentence.

Has he sent the city a thank you note yet?

But what is lost on the Tribune is the glaring hypocrisy of our city leaders on this issue. With a City Council comprised by four women some of whom participated in the Women’s Marches in support of the “Me Too” movement with great fanfare, how is it that our mayor and council continue to tolerate this arrangement for a public employee who was filmed abusing a woman? And what does this say to the woman who was the victim of Olcott’s attack?

Does the fact that Olcott continues to draw his full salary for not working reveal the city’s intent to keep him on their staff when the time is right? Who knows?

So this is how the city spends your tax dollars! What is happening to this once fine town? After all, it only goes to prove that crime does pay in San Luis Obispo.

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Fuck he has a good job. Our city has his back so much that he is able to ask chicks to sleep with him for $$$, GET CAUGHT, get laid off & STILL GET PAYED??? Holy crap

In 2019 our city’s building inspector Christopher Olcott needs to understand that doing that to women doesn’t fly.

I’ve literally been living in SLO county my whole life, I’m 23 now, and you NEVER hear about juicy freaking articles and comments like this on our local news station

Thank you for informing me about our cities building inspector

This is why I follow God haha

Welcome to Clown Town


You miss the point, again.

The “Me Too” movement has nothing to do with this type of violence against women, it has to do with sexual assault and sexual harassment against women, the types of violence almost exclusively perpetrated against women.

Oh by-the-way, there was a man that was assaulted as well, how ’bout him? Why aren’t you, and every other man posting here, pissed off about that?

Stop already! You lost to Heidi, get over it! And unless you’re prepping for another run at her office you’re mantra is getting old and very predictable…

So some violence is good and some is bad? Or is it that violence by some is okay but by others is not? I think you missed the point, it’s not who the violence was done to but who committed the violence and the special treatment he received since he is part of the protected class.

“So some violence is good and some is bad?” NO violence is good, and that’s my point! Using the “Me Too” movement out of context just to score political points is also my point.

And why did I bring up Mr. McCormack, the man who also got the shit beat out of him by this POS? Because Keith “conveniently” didn’t! All his sour grapes [skewed] political opinion piece stated was “After being caught red-handed on video cold-cocking a young woman in a bar,…” and continued with “…how is it that our mayor and council continue to tolerate this arrangement for a public employee who was filmed abusing a woman? And what does this say to the woman who was the victim of Olcott’s attack?” That’s it! No mention of Mr. McCormack, none!

And to be truthful, I haven’t heard one bitch about what happened to Mr. McCormack from any poster here, nor from Keith in this BS political opinion, so I guess following your logic, y’all are condoning violence as long as it’s not against women, right?

No AmericaTheFree, you missed the point again! Please get some help. Meanwhile, your rants only inspire me to write more. Stay tuned…

So, you question my mental health, so trumpster of you!

My point is, and always will be with folks like you, on either side of the aisle, is that politicizing shit like this does no good, and that’s exactly what you did Keith!

No, you stay tuned! ’cause as soon as I get back from my therapist and get my meds’ straightened out I’ll be back…