Restaurants begin to reopen, few new coronavirus cases

May 21, 2020

George Sullivan was the first post shutdown customer at the Madonna Inns Copper Cafe, photo by John Madonna

Locals throughout San Luis Obispo County flocked to area restaurants today. However, some restaurants owners said they will need more time to hit the restart button.

During the past three days, there have been five newly confirmed cases of coronavirus in SLO County: four in Paso Robles and one in Atascadero.

Of the 251 confirmed coronavirus cases in SLO County, 223 individuals have recovered and one has died. Of those still suffering from the virus, there are three people in the hospital — two in intensive care, and 24 recuperating at home.

Cases by city:

  • Paso Robles — 101
  • Atascadero — 38
  • Arroyo Grande — 22
  • Nipomo — 18
  • San Luis Obispo — 17
  • CMC — 11
  • Pismo Beach — 9
  • San Miguel — 8
  • Templeton — 8
  • Morro Bay — 6
  • Other county cases — 13

As of Thursday evening, there have been 88,201 positive cases and 3,619 deaths in California.

Currently, more than 1,620,902 U.S. residents have tested positive for the virus, and 96,354 have died.

In addition, the number of people infected with the virus worldwide continues to increase: 5,194,028 cases with 334,613 dead.

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The Restaurant industry has some major hurdles to overcome, I’m thinking that many are not going to make it:(

Running at a limited capacity due to the Covid rules, means that it’s only a matter of time before a large percentage are just going to have to close their doors. Especially in the high rent districts like Downtown SLO.

A friend of mine who owns a once successful restaurant told me that doing the take out and delivery business only slowed the cash burn and allowed him to keep his top employees, opening to lower capacity seating will lower the cash burn even more, but at some time the cash runs out:(

roy, Over 90,000 dead in America and you have the temerity to call it a ”manufactured hoax”. Pathos!

It is so much more than what you think. Please look around. Talk to medical professionals and ask them what they think of the “death” numbers.

I know I will never convince many of the people who are so emotionally invested in this, but the counts are not accurate at all. Nothing about this whole thing as been very accurate, but so many people have been groomed to panic and be susceptible to fear in order to control them. It worked. They are completely and utterly controlled. So few even see this anymore, it saddens me.

We are wearing masks and isolating for God’s sake! That alone should have been the first clue. Even when it was revealed that masks are useless and most everyone who wears one has no concept of sterilized environments or proper PPE procedures, we are STILL doing it. It’s truly amazing.

Everything that is presented to you is presented to you. I lack the ability to make it any clearer, and most do not want it to be revealed to them. We really need to stop believing the children of the lie.

“Everything that is presented to you is presented to you.”

Seems to perfectly sum up your logic on this topic.

I sure hope the manufactured hoax is coming to an end. I cannot stand seeing supposedly free people give up so much of their lives and freedoms because they’ve been trained to be scared.

It sickens me; it saddens me. This better not be the new “norm” and we’re forever dictated life to by scared Nancies and boys continually crying, “Wolf!”

Keep the faith / have hope!

How is this manufactured? I want evidence to support this assertion rOy. You make the claim, OK, walk the walk.

2 week lag on hospitalization rate so 6/9. Do you know why cases are so low among medical personnel & first responders. They wear masks, wash hands, use disinfectants.

Yes, yes. Will you come back in two weeks to eat your words – like you never have to all your previous doom and gloom hopes and fears?

I did not say it will come back in two weeks, but that is when the illness figures will report.

As for doom and gloom? Seems to me I posted the info about the Moderna vaccine, number of posts on how to stay safer and how not to spread the disease to others, including the disease action on Ace 2 receptors, which is Trump’s Hydrochlorquine.

But it is true, I was also hooting about what is coming on CCN’s first COVID article on 3/14, and started preparing my family and reviewing finances on 1/24. And told of Trump administration’s incompetence, and the Chinese gov’t PPE equipment ripoff, waaaay before it was picked up on the media. You’re just provincial and asleep.

You want more predictions, national GDP decline of about 9% Q over Q, not this 40% BS; Dems win near everything in Nov.; national debt $28T; social programs are in our future; and for positive predictions, we get a vaccine by Biden’s inauguration day. (Caveat on elections, Trump doesn’t do some illegal election ripoff.)

As they say in today’s military with terror wraps, suicide bombers and IEDs, “The paranoid survive.”

I helped my family and neighbors’ survive. That is what clear NON ideological thinking gets you … prepared for sh!t storms.

Mazin read what I said on 3/14,