Lawsuit: Paso Robles officer raped and threatened victim

November 8, 2020

Sean Christopher McGuire


A federal lawsuit filed against the Paso Robles Police Department claims an officer raped a victim and then threatened to have social services take her children if she told anyone. A motion to dismiss was denied, and a trial date set.

The plaintiff, who CCN is referring to as Jenna to protect her privacy, is seeking unspecified general, special and punitive damages for sexual battery, stalking and civil rights violations related to events that began in late 2017.

On Dec. 19, 2017, Jenna called 911 to report her boyfriend had assaulted her. Sean Christopher McGuire was one of the officers routed to Jenna’s home to give assistance. While the other officers left following the arrest of the boyfriend, McGuire stayed behind for approximately four hours.

According to the suit, McGuire then ordered the woman to hug him.

“McGuire then grabbed plaintiff’s hand and placed it on his gun, which he was wearing in a holster on his hip,” according to the lawsuit. “He then grabbed her left hand and placed it on his erect penis. McGuire then asked plaintiff what gun she preferred.”

Even though Jenna said she preferred his firearm, McGuire then insisted Jenna tell him what she would do with his “big cock,” the suit says.

A few days later, McGuire stopped by the victim’s house wearing civilian clothes. He said he was on his way to work and was conducting a welfare check, according to the lawsuit.

McGuire then asked Jenna to go to her garage so they could talk privately, as her children were home. Inside the garage, McGuire tried to force her to perform oral sex. After she refused, McGuire allegedly bent her over a platform, pulled her pants down and raped her.

Following the rape, McGuire allegedly stalked, harassed and threatened to harm Jenna if she told anyone about the sexual assault.

“McGuire threatened me more than once not to tell anyone what happened,” Jenna says in her declaration. “McGuire threatened to physically harm me if I told anyone, or that he would make up allegations against me and call Children and Family Services to have my children taken away.”

In approximately April of 2018, McGuire asked the woman if she had told others what had happened, and then unsuccessfully attempted to force her to perform oral sex, according to the suit. After Jenna began screaming, McGuire stopped and ordered her to follow him to his car.

McGuire than repeated his threat to have social services take Jenna’s two children if she told anyone about the sexual assault.

In the past, multiple Paso Robles residents have accused McGuire of making false allegations to social services.

In 2017, McGuire searched Glen O’Hagan’s home after allegedly receiving a tip regarding child neglect. During the search, McGuire said he found drug paraphernalia on a visitor in the yard.

McGuire was successful in getting charges filed against O’Hagan and having social services remove his infant son. Even though O’Hagan was eventually cleared of all charges, the child had already been adopted by a foster family.

O’Hagan believes the arrest was related to homophobia.

“Two fagots have no business raising a child,” O’Hagan said McGuire told him during his arrest.

McGuire’s history of misconduct as a law enforcement officer started long before he was hired by the Paso Robles Police Department, according to the lawsuit.

“At the start of McGuire’s law enforcement career, McGuire was a police office for another law enforcement agency,” according to the lawsuit. “McGuire’s employment was terminated with the law enforcement agency in 2001 after allegations that McGuire engaged in an inappropriate relationship with a minor.”

In 2018, the SLO County Sheriff’s Office conducted an investigation and found at least three women who alleged McGuire assaulted and harassed them. In addition, investigators discovered McGuire routinely engaged in sexual intercourse and oral sex while on patrol.

“The SLO County Sheriff’s Office has obtained evidence corroborating McGuire’s sexual assault of Plaintiff including DNA evidence and approximately a dozen witnesses corroborating the allegations,” according to the lawsuit.

The sheriff’s office recommended the SLO County District Attorney’s Office charge McGuire with forcible rape, attempted forcible rape and assault and battery, but prosecutors announced in Nov. 2018 that the DA’s office would not file charges against the officer because they did not believe they could win the case.

In 2019, Jenna attempted to advance a civil case against McGuire. She petitioned the San Luis Obispo County Court for a late claim because the six-month statute of limitations had passed.

On Aug. 13, 2019, Judge Ginger Garrett ruled there was no excusable neglect to warrant a late claim.

On Dec. 5, 2019, attorneys David Ring and James Lewis filed the sexual battery, stalking, negligence and civil rights violations suit against the Paso Robles Police Department in federal court.

The defendants responded with a motion to dismiss based on the six-month statute of limitations and on insufficient evidence to show negligence in hiring and training officers. The court then dismissed the portion of the suit related to negligence.

United States District Judge Philip S. Gutierrez, however, did not agree with Judge Garrett’s interpretation of the six-month statute of limitations.

Because of the threats and intimidation that allegedly occurred after the rape, the statute of limitations did not start until Oct. 2018, Judge Gutierrez ruled.

The jury trial is set for Aug. 17, 2021 at the U.S. Courthouse in Los Angeles.

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How many cases has Dan Dow failed to prosecute using the “time’s up, too bad, so sad” excuse?

We need a DA who cares about justice, and he’s not it.

I bet if it was Dan Dow who was raped by this brut he would have expressed more outrage. Protecting this rapist cop ruins the reputation of all LEOs, Dow. Shame on you.

The phoney smirck on his face tells it all.

What sites have the Judge Garrett ratings you mentioned? I can’t seem to find them.

Rate My Judge, The Robing room, Judicial Performance, Justices for Justices

Interesting after again reading the story, I noticed it was none other than SLO Superior Court Judge Ginger Garrett, who would not allow this case to continue in local courts ?

So it took a more Experience Federal Judge to see how Local Judge Garrett made a improper ruling and thus the case goes to Trial. I noted with interest the this Judge is “Gay” and is the worst rated Judge in all of SLO Courts History.

As several sites and Lawyers, Judges, Civil and Criminal victims have rated her at Below Average and she got a 1.3 the lowest rating of any Calif. Judge, she has been rated by her own court staff, bailiffs, clerks and victims as well as Deputy DA’s, retired Judges and apparently men whom she does NOT like, not that being a Lesbian matters but in this case something smells .

Finally it appears Justice will come forth for the many Victims of Police Misconduct, why did it take a Federal Judge to get this going ? The San Luis Obispo Sheriff’s Department did an outstanding job of conducting a Criminal Investigation into his crimes.

Referred to the District Attorney for Criminal Prosecution and he dropped the ball, by not allowing Justice to prevail, the DA should have followed the advise of the long detailed investigation into X Officer Chris McGuire’s Criminal exploits and charged him and all a Jury of his Peers to decide the guilt or innocent of his criminal actions and SEXUAL ASSAULTS ON FEMALE VICTIMS.

She apparently is 1 of many young vulnerable ladies who were accosted and RAPED and Assaulted, as he wore the Uniform of a POLICE OFFICER. Shame on the DA, The Judge in SLO who ruled not to allow this to go forth. Now a US Federal Judge is allowing this finally to go to trial and allow a Federal Jury of her Peers to determine the truth and facts.

What happened to the many other young and scared girls who were afraid to come forward after the DA would not prosecute ! no wonder so many young girls do NOT want to come forth to report Police Corruption they are no doubt fearful of the Police and DA in cover ups.

It is time for a US Dept. of Justice and FBI Civil Rights probe into all local Police who are raping local girls while on duty and then threatening the Victims with harm if they talk. I applaud this Victim for coming forth. I learned this corrupt dirty X Officer has had a long History in the Central Valley of this sort of misconduct even killing a unarmed innocent man. His Father is a retired CHP Senior Officer from the Bakersfield and Porterville area.

A member of the P.D. Office told us yesterday that more officers and victims are involved, why did the local News Paper not do a story and concealed this horrible crime and corruption ? Oh they went Bankrupt. Thank you Cal Coast Times, Cal Coast News for updating we the people of America and San Luis Obispo of the status of this crime, we wondered what happened.

Justice will prevail and thanks to this story and the Federal Courts more will be revealed and exposed on the long dirty history of Central Coast Police Corruption. Paso De Robles PD, CIty need to settle this fast or face more in depth exposing of local misconduct. What kind of a Police Department covers up Sexual Assaults by Officers in Uniform and under the color of authority thank you Assemblyman Cunningham for the new bill to expose Police Misconduct.

Too all the other unknown and known VICTIMS of Police Sexual Rapes, Assaults and more stay strong and come forth report your assaults to the FBI and not the local DA or Police as we now know it will be covered up. Thank You to Sheriff Ian Parkinson for not covering this one up and recommending Felony charges, you did the right thing and DA Dow failed all people to up hold the rule of law and Justice, next election we will pick a New Honest and Ethical DA.

After reading this story it makes me want to Vomit at our local Politicians who refused to bring justice to this victim. If not for “REAL” Investigative reporting by Cal Coast News/ Cal Coast Times this would be sweeping this under the rug. Where are the other Media Sites who know of the evil in our Police and did NOTHING ! Shame on you for your failure in Reporting this horrific crime against women.

Where are YOU KSBY, Tribune, KEYT, New Times SLO.

Rouse a long ago Victim of Police misconduct now we can all come out and report the Crimes we all suffered at the hands of Police Sexual Assaults .

One more story untouched by The Fibune, although if years later it becomes big they will plagiarize CCN and subsequently nominate themselves for an investigative journalism award.


I heard the SLO city council is considering him for the next police chief…