California again allowing early release of violent criminals

January 23, 2022


After a temporary halt, a California judge is allowing new regulations that permit two-strike offenders to serve just one-third of their prison sentences, including inmates with serious and violent criminal histories.

In December, Sacramento Superior Court Judge Shama Mesiwala granted 28 district attorneys a temporary restraining order preventing the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) from increasing the time-served credits two-strike offenders with serious and violent criminal histories can receive from 50 percent to 66 percent.

Judge Mesiwala has now lifted the temporary restraining order.

Last year, the CDCR adopted regulations granting additional good conduct credits to some two-strike inmates and to inmates working in fire camps.

Under the latest CDCR regulation, the new class of credits can be granted to offenders with convictions for domestic violence, human trafficking, animal cruelty and possession of weapons by individuals who have previous convictions for serious and violent felonies.

In an attempt to stop the enforcement of the rules, on Dec. 22, 28 of California’s 58 district attorneys filed for a temporary restraining order. Siding with the CDCR, Judge  Mesiwala found that the prosecutors lacked standing to challenge the regulations.

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Poverty=crimes. Fffffacts, we have the world’s highest incarceration rate as a first world country and a failed prison system, a failed social system. America, land of 40 percent of populous live paycheck to paycheck and total lack of social services. Just because you can’t see over the white fence doesn’t mean it isn’t real. Just like God; for you Christian folks. You know people live under those bridges you drive your fancy cars over? Poor people fall through cracks. Your poor working class folks beat you, couldn’t manage their children, guess what. Overcrowded prisons. Locking people up without services does nothing, Soo crowded they let them out. Any person who served time tells you it makes them worse off. America’s gov is pretty pathetic, it is based off of slave labor after all.

The top 5% own pretty much everything and the bottom 50-60% own on a net basis, nothing. This is a worldwide phenomenon. But the nothing holders must continue consuming, the bottom 50-60% must be encouraged to continue to borrow and consume, because, otherwise, the assets controlled by the top 5% will collapse. At this point the nothing holders need higher wages, social support for the system to function better.

So the primary role of gov’ts is being an interlock between two spheres. One is financial markets and capital markets, and the other thing is the underlying economy, where normal people live and reside. The two spheres must move in some degree of harmony. The penal system is to protect the asset holders as well as the public.

That’s the essence of our economies. And why we rely on rolling asset bubbles to generate growth rates that capital markets find acceptable and societies find acceptable. Rolling bubbles are a necessity.

The personal solution? The nothing holders must minimize consuming, increase the value of their labor through education/training, and convert labor to income producing and/or appreciating assets through savings. No other choice.

As for Christianity, if you are so inclined, consider the teachings, ignore the practioners.

Mazin, so eloquent, we vote with our dollar. People who have hate handouts through taxes to uplift the proletariat to the have not through brainwash. I relish the scrutiny, people took the time to read my posts, enough said. Oh no, socialism, oh no the USPS, oh no, police, oh no school, oh no roads, oh no fresh water. Anyone read about atascadero and it’s cancer causing water. CCN?

Sorry, I don’t buy it. Maybe poverty explains a very small percentage of petty theft but violent crime is caused by humans who either weren’t raised properly or have mental health issues. Lack of repercussions to their crimes only emboldens them. Just look at the train robberies in Southern Ca, they’re caught and released the same day and go back for more. And not because they are “Hungry”.

Thank you Jerry Brown.

Every Californian should have standing to challenge the release of violent criminals into their communities. If you do the crime you should do the time. Without enforcement and consequences laws are meaningless

If they have been convicted of two violent felonies it usually means they have 4-5 others they got away with or was plead down. This won’t end well for the citizens.

Sooooo they can join the Oath Keepers and protect their Second Amendment rights?

Most Oath Keepers are combat vets who have defended your rights mazin…so keep that in mind…

And they do, because they’re impoverished too aiming their gun at the wrong man.

Seems like they never learn. I just don’t get it.

Oh they’re learning alright, learning that there are very few consequences for their crimes so why stop?

For every strike , not to mention the rest of the rap sheet, picture all of the other crimes committed that went undetected.

The message being sent to both repeat violent offenders and their victim’s makes me cringe. Good credits can equate to better food or other incentives but early release by 2/3? Civilized society my ass.

Judge Mesiwala can not possibly be paying attention to the reality on the streets…

Id love to hear why this is a good thing to do from anyone that supports this…