Grover Beach moves forward on homeless housing facility

March 16, 2022


As part of a plan to provide housing options for the homeless, the Grover Beach City Counsel voted unanimously on Monday to purchase a vacant property at 955 South 4th Street for the future construction of a homeless housing facility. Council members also voted to allocate American Rescue Plan Act funds for the purchase.

“Homelessness continues to be a top priority for City Council and city staff,” Mayor Jeff Lee said. “With the purchase of this property, we will enable the 5 Cities Homeless Coalition to develop a homeless housing facility to provide critically needed shelter space in the region.”

The facility is slated to serve as bridge housing or an emergency shelter. In partnership with the Grover Beach Police Department, the coalition intends to provide a high-level of management and monitoring to enhance the safety of homeless individuals and city residents.

In a community survey conducted in fall 2021, 70% of respondents indicated that the city should do more to address homelessness, and supported the following actions:

·      Temporary or permanent shelter space

·      Outreach to homeless individuals on accessing services and housing

·      Clearing encampments and enforcing camping ordinances

The city is also working to establish a temporary emergency shelter at 286 South 16th Street. The city plans to install 20 “cabins” that are roughly 100 square feet in size, which will become operational this spring through at least Dec. 2023.

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Bad, but still better than Los Angeles: 800K and up per unit of homeless housing

Dont forget the around $2,000,000 spent on office space

What’s not to be excited about? Going to use taxpayer money to build a facility to attract the non-productive instead of using taxpayer money to improve the city for the benefit of the taxpayers. People need to pay attention to who they elect to make these decisions.

Council members also voted to allocate American Rescue Plan Act funds for the purchase. These are grant funds and not from the general fund.

Why would Grover Beach do that to themselves?

Better to expand Camp Gibson at Kansas Ave, or better yet, build a comprehensive facility in California Valley!!!

The lesson seems to be Don’t bother looking for a job or work, we will take care of you all ways/always.

Will the 257 from Grover Beach, now living in SLO, move back to Grover in time for the new opportunities? None of them have an address anyway unless “under 2nd overpass southbound 101” counts. Just sayin and it’s great to help but who is really getting the benefit?

We know the answer, just take at look at total administrative costs of 5CHC and other agencies.

5CHC, the very same group who tried mightily to weasel their way into a church in the process of being swindled from the rightful owners…these people are not who they represent themselves to be.

probably squeeze it in next to the pot bars.

Better than its previous attempt to put it in the middle of residential neighborhood.

“If you build it, they will come”. Better to build drug rehabs, or psych wards and mental health clinics.