SLO County supervisor candidate Susan Funk tied to misleading mailer

February 11, 2024


San Luis Obispo County District 5 Supervisor Debbie Arnold has accused Susan Funk’s campaign of trying to influence the vote by sending out misleading mailers in an attempt to give the false impression Arnold endorses Funk.

Last week, Funk’s campaign sent out postcards titled “Susan Funk for County Supervisor.” On the back is a hand written note asking the recipient to vote for Funk, from “Debbie.”

“As an Atascadero council member and business owner, she makes sure local government serves the people, not special interest like big developers,” the postcard says. “Thank you, Debbie.”

During the Dave Congalton radio show on Friday, Congalton asked Funk about the alleged deceptive post cards. Funk said a volunteer named Debbie wrote out the postcard, though she refused to give the volunteer’s last name, saying it started with “R.”

“Her last name starts with R,” Funk said. “I don’t want to put it out on air to cause any type of hostile action.”

On her website, Funk lists the names of 36 public officials and 190 community members and business owners who endorse her campaign, using both their first and last names. The list does not include a Debbie with a last name beginning with R.

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Clearly Susan Funk is NOT a credible candidate for public office.

Vote Heather Moreno for 5th District Supervisor.

Why not? Please explain. Ms Funk seems plenty viable and credible and a perfect choice.

I will respect your opinion, but can you please explain why you think Funk is not a “credible” candidate. As far as I can tell, she’s a very credible, viable And worthy candidate. if you have some information that contradicts that, please share. Thank you.

She rabidly anti-2A, and wanted to close gun shops during the pandemic in a statist power grab

There are more guns than people in this country. Isn’t it time we closed some of these shops. I mean, you’re perfectly within your rights to travel elsewhere, say Missouri, to get your guns. They apparently have plenty.

Why do you need a gun, anyway? I’ve lived 70 years never needing one.

She claims to support Proposition 13, which requires a 2/3 approval vote to raise taxes, but she wants to lower that threshold to 55%. The 2/3 vote was a major not incidental part of Proposition 13. If she really supports Proposition 13, as she claims, she should not be looking for ways to weaken it.

At least we know what the “R” next to Debbie’s name doesn’t stand for.

Interestingly, Supervisors are by law non-partisan, so you won’t find an R next to her name on a ballot.

I’m not sure how many people would ever believe that Debbie Arnold is opposed to special interests. It must be some other Debbie. Seems obvious to me.

We need a more balanced board of supervisors. That’s why I would support Funk. Our community has suffered too long under an extreme conservative majority on the board. We should never let that happen again, if we really want balance and preservation of democracy in our county.

Ms. Funk, you are responsible for the campaign materials for your campaign. The buck stops with you. What else will you blame on your underlings? What else will be “someone else’s fault” if you are elected? This does not inspire confidence in your leadership abilities nor your organizational skills. Grow up or get out.

Continue the collusion between public employee unions and politicians who decide ridiculous salaries and pensions. Vote Funk

right if you are big fan of bullying, corruption and nasty politics like i am you will vote for Funk at least once, mebbe twice.

Whaaa! Waaaa! Ms. Funk is not campaigning fair!

Get Real CCN. You guys wrote the book. All is fair in Love and Politics.

Nothing in our “book”, says lying is a good thing for a political campaign.

Mr. Messy might want to check out copies of those past campaign mailers from Peschong’s company, Meridian Pacific, before commenting further in this vein. They are masters of slanderous and deceptive campaign messages. They helped write the book.

Wow, you all are a bunch a mean keyboard do nothings.

Run for office get involved…

i am involved, ran school board campaigns, spoke before city council meeting, BOS and school board meetings. Involved in planning and strategy, recruiting candidates and more than i can talk about. What have you typewriter ninja besides whine about other people?

Luckily Debbie Arnold is on her way out along with her Wine buddies, special interest, and Q Anon cult like ideology and fear porn BS. Wouldn’t doubt if she has Early onset or is suffering from some mild stroke, or is just nuts. Do Nothing Debbie is right.

Let’s be real, Debbie Arnold’s defining characteristic is serving special interests like big developers and ignoring the needs of the people.

Therefore, even the average voter, like myself, knows that there is no way Debbie Arnold signed that note.

You mean Debbie actually does something? I’ve been calling her for two years and she hasn’t done anything more than make excuses.

Do Nothing Debbie

I don’t follow your logic, are you saying it’s ok to try to deceive voters if it’s obvious.

That would mean either Funk is below average, or she thinks the voter are.

Shoot that was supposed to be ironic…Debbie is greatly influenced by special interests, so the irony would be that it is unlikely she would write a note extolling the virtues of be against special interests. Oh well so much for satire :).

you know satire has to be based on truth and the truth is that Debbie has fought against special interests, is backed by small farmers, looks out for the interests of the taxpayers and is one of the most sincere, selfless and nicest people on the central coast. It is painfullyobvious what you are and how much you know about politics.

As one taxpayer, I argue the opposite and I see there are others who do too. And I know Debbie well.

Attacking me personally doesn’t alter the facts. Your behavior only reminds me more of Debbie’s.