
Advertise with

Your advertisement will help keep CalCoastNews running and also help to ensure independent, investigative reporting on the Central Coast.

Why advertise on

Web ads are an inexpensive and effective way to reach CalCoastNews’ influential, educated and web savvy audience,  83 percent of visitors are from California and 77 percent of site visitors are from the Paso Robles to Santa maria economic corridor. The site offers interactivity and immediacy in addition to the best practices of old media: fairness, accuracy and investigative journalism.

Advertising rates are based on 10,000 views per week.

Advertising Sizes:

Leaderboard – Running alongside the top site logo at 728 by 90 is an impactful way to reach readers

Big Boxes – Placed on the right side of stories below the calendar in four boxes, a 300 by 250 provides a large, prominent space to advertise your business.

Full Banner – Placed under stories before the comments, the 468 by 60 position is a great way to insure your ad gets maximum exposure.

Advertise E-mail .

Ad Specs

Size: 728 x 90
Max File Size: 70K (gif, jpeg); 75k (rich media)

Big Box
Size: 300 x 250
Max File Size: 70K (gif, jpeg); 70k (rich media)

Full Banner
Size: 468 x 60
Max File Size: 70K (gif, jpeg); 70k (rich media)

Formats accepted: Gif, jpeg, flash, HTML, Limited to 20 seconds.
Flash Animation must include .SWF File with click-thru URLs and a GIF/JPG image provided as back-up, clickTag code must be embedded in .SWF file, flash movies kept below 18 FPS (more on Flash ad requirements below).

Cannot have constantly animating elements (unless user has initiated by click or rollover)

Third-party ad serving allowed.

Flash ads without proper action script/ click tags will be rejected and returned to the designer for corrections.

Additional requirements for flash ads:  The clickTAG variable is an industry-standard method of tracking Flash creative clicks; it allows us to register where an ad was displayed when it was clicked on. Problems with Flash creatives may result from an incorrect clickTAG implementation. For proper registration of clicks and delivery of the client browser to the destination URL.

Flash ads MUST use the proper implementation of action script and Click tags. Please see the links below for more information.

Proper clickTAG implementation (Calcoastnews uses DFP for ad serving however clicktags are a indrstry standard for flash based ads)

To insert click throughs into a Macromedia Flash banner