Meg Whitman’s campaign tweets cross dressing bassist

October 21, 2010

Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman might come from a tech savvy background, but some of her campaign staffers appear to have missed the boat. [InfoWorld]

On Monday, Whitman’s campaign sent out a twitter update with a link intended to take viewers to a site with a San Diego Police Association endorsement. Instead, clickers were taken to a YouTube video of a Japanese man dressed in a pink tutu, thigh-high stockings and garters.

Whitman’s campaign staff’s apparent cut and paste error has bumped the YouTube video to more than 986,000 views. And most curious, the campaign has not yet removed the odd tweet.

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Meg Whitman did the right thing at the right time, just lucky, and used her greedy business savvy to manipulate subordinate talent to enhance her wealth. Now she has great financial power but I am not convinced she is some genius. She’s simply shrewd and got money from the era.

Whether you are democrat, republican, independent, or tea party: Prediction…

The world will focus on California as the pivot point where recovery will take place and spread across the nation and even across the world. I believe Obama or any president would see this!

This will start when “independent” democratic candidate Jerry Brown becomes Governor is elected

Hang on to your hat, many changes and restructuring will occur, from institutions to employment.

No lie, watch it happen!

Maybe Meg was trying to move some leftover stuff from the eBay lingerie section.

Nothing new under the sun:

No No Thinkaboutit-san, missing mega-Koolness of hair blowing about.

Notice Big electrical applience. Huge fan!

Super cool not commercial.

K-ON! Fuwa Fuwa Time bass hjfreaks

Million Hits.

SO! can he play Freebird?

How odd a mistake to make. Fishy odd.

Wow, maybe Meggens has a sense of humor. Not that I would ever vote for her, but I come much closer to it knowing that she has a sense of humor (if indeed she does).

ROCK ON, MEG!!!!!!!!

Much cuter than Meg.

I don’t see what the fuss is about. Could be that SDPD has becoming more progressive in their community policing.

The problem I have is the lack of style in man’s hair. Makeover…hello!