August, 2011

Man attempts to lure Atascadero children into van

Local law enforcement officers are looking for a man who allegedly attempted to lure four Atascadero children into a van on Monday morning by offering them a ride. Sporting a long grey beard and driving a red Volkswagen van with... (Continue reading)

County official admits to manipulating air quality forecasts

Manipulations of air quality forecasts in the south San Luis Obispo County region caused as many as 100 days to be given “yellow,” moderate alert, rather than “green,” safe air quality, status. An official at a San Luis Obispo County Air... (Continue reading)

Maricopa traffic cops will back off of motorists

Motorists driving through Maricopa can breathe a little easier now that the police department has revamped its policy for citing traffic violations. The town of 1,200 in western Kern County had turned into a trap of sorts where in the... (Continue reading)

Former ECOSLO director will face jury trial

Morgan Rafferty, accused of embezzling funds from two nonprofit organizations, will stand trial in San Luis Obispo Superior Court on Sept. 6, more than two years after being charged for grand theft. [The Tribune] Rafferty, 48, is accused of taking... (Continue reading)

Travel: Following Custer to the Little Bighorn

By DAVID CONGALTON On a steamy hot June afternoon in 1876, Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer, who graduated last in his class at West Point, rode off into the history books as the commander of the worst U.S. military defeat... (Continue reading)