North County Tea Party gaining strength

July 30, 2012


There’s a big party brewing, but it’s not about dancing and cocktails — the issue at hand for members of the rapidly-growing North County Tea Party is nothing less than salvation of these United States.

With its own quarterly publication and a membership list now topping 200, the two-year-old group is gaining steam in its quest for “regaining” the nation.

“We see this as a vehicle to encourage citizens to get involved, and to inform them about the threats facing our country,” said Paso Robles resident John Texiera, publisher of the Central Coast Tea Party Times. “United we stand, divided we fall — freedom made this country great, not our government.”

That’s an attitude embraced by a growing number of people, said Texiera, an assertion supported by the enthusiastic embrace of the Tea Party by county residents.

Lydia Thompson is “in charge” of the group — “I’m not president, nor chairman… it’s just that someone had to take the lead.”

She echoed the comments made by Texiera: “A lot of people have the same concerns. Our biggest issue was to figure out what needed to be done.”

The group’s inception “started with a rally a couple of years ago,” said Thompson. “I wanted to be on the mailing list, but I never got a response.”

That prompted her to take action “and it just happened..all of a sudden it just got going. Volunteers started coming forward. It wasn’t anything magic — it was just people wanting to get involved. Word of mouth was the best recruiter.”

The group’s original purpose was to educate, but people needed a way to take some action, said Thompson. “One person cannot do it all. It needs people who have the same philosophy, and who want our country back where it was, who want their freedoms back.”

She said she is “worried about people who don’t realize their freedoms are being taken away. They don’t know the difference, and they are complacent.”

She was “one of those people,” said Thompson, “comfortable, everything was fine. I was never involved in politics. But slowly, surely, that all changed.”

That is the way it was with most members of the group, said Texiera.

“It seems like most of our members are people fifty to seventy years old, who have never been involved in politics, but who are very unhappy with the way this nation is going. They have a love of country and are hoping to get it back on track. We share a desire for a constitutionally-limited government and a return of our freedoms,” he said. “The Constitution is a marvelous document, and it hasn’t changed. We have.”

When he volunteered to publish Tea Party Times, Texiera said he thought he “ could maybe be a little help. The magazine deals with core values and other issues. We get pour articles from people in the county, from other Tea Party publications, off the Internet.

A retired Department of Corrections employee, Texiera said he has experience in “writing administrative manuals, that kind of thing.”

The group distributes 1,500 copies the magazine by placing them in friendly businesses.

“Of course, it’s political, so some business folks are a little shy. But if they like it, they put it out.”

Tea Party members share another common concern, and it’s called “Agenda 21.”

“Read it, and you can see where ‘they’ are going,” Texiera said.

According to Wikipedia, Agenda 21 is “a non-binding and voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations (UN) related to sustainable development.  Agenda 21 is a comprehensive blueprint of action to be taken globally, nationally, and locally by organizations of the UN, governments, and major groups in every area in which humans directly affect the environment.”

Tea Party membership nationally enjoyed a rapid rise two years ago but now has leveled off somewhat.

The Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, a national organization based in Kansas City, shows that one group, the Tea Party Patriots, enjoyed a rapid gain in numbers from the time it started in February 2010, to its peak in December of an estimated 140,000 members. It now has leveled off to about 80,000. Meanwhile, other related groups have formed, including Freedom Works, whose membership now tops that of the Patriots by about 10,000 members. Other groups of similar intent show similar numbers — the 1776 Tea Party claims 10,000 members; ResistNet, 80,000; and Tea Party Nation, 40,000.

“We used to have people with common sense, but now we listen to the fools and have lost our way,” said Texiera. “All public officials take an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. We need to demand they do what they have sworn to do.”

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I applaud any action citizens take to get involved in the political process, short of calling for susession from the United States (you betcha, Todd ;)). Among many of the problems I see in the Tea Party messaging though is the targeting of those that do not agree with the ideals as an “other”; sometimes that has been expressed, unfortunately, by a few individuals with racial slurs or more subtle racial overtones. The beginnings of the Tea Party movement are also problematic in that early efforts seemed to be directed by a few large corporations directing some shadow non-profit groups to help foment outrage against most things “big government”.

What the local group appears to be focusing on appears to be a real, genuine, grass-roots movement calling out government waste and intrusion, all very good points, even if Mr. Texiera is apparently a retired “government worker”. I do believe however that most of the focus on governmental intrusions is somewhat misplaced; by focusing on certain government functions as “intrusion”, it seems the hope by the large corporations is that governmental oversight could be relaxed or reduced in order for those corporations to continue to reap more profit, skirt regulations and “get away” with violating certain laws, rules and ordinances all over the United States. I wish Tea Party members would understand that the government is supposed to be “of the people, for the people, and by the people” and help kick the Citizens United decision to the curb and help get the overly excess money out of the political process, especially all of the undisclosed spending that is currently going on; only then can “we the people” can truly “rein in” the misdeeds and overreaches by our government.

bfsl …you have some good points, but I would state that when a Google image search is done with the words as the search parameter and about 2,470,000 results are listed, it is not “a few individuals” that harbor these opinions.

These are the sons and daughters of the old Confederacy …just as traitorous as their forebears. Throw in some reactionary John Bircher throwbacks, and we have a dangerous minority capable of all sorts of trouble.

You do know that the infamous Koch brother billionaire’s father was one of the founders and ringleaders of the John Birch Society ?

Sorry for the confusion. Somehow the search words were left out: ‘ racist “Tea Party” signs ‘ .

All of these negative Nancy’s can’t handle the truth …and they’re too cowardly to even attempt to debate it.

Here’s another article:

…that helps explain this backward and repellent mindset behind this phenomena.

> “negative Nancy’s”

Invoking euphemistic slang for homosexuality in referring to others appears bigoted in itself.

You have a problem with being gay ?

No offense meant toward the LGBT community. If anything, this term could be seen as misogynistic. No direct offense there , either. If read that way though, I do apologize. My mistake.

It is a recognized term for those on internet forums that only lurk and hit ‘negative’ while adding nothing to the discussion.

My challenge stands…whether a ‘Nancy’ or a “Nick’.

So, “freedom not government” created the postal system that helped put our country on top? “Freedom not government” built our road system? “Freedom not government” built an education system that USED to be the envy of the rest of the world? “Freedom not government” sponsored scientific research that created the technology we all depend on? (Specific example: Integrated circuits….invented in the 1950’s, went nowhere because of the incredible development costs, developed into the invention that changed our world and we all depend on all because of our “wasteful” “useless” space program; [was required for the on-board computers need for space docking in Gemini Program.]) How many of the North County (wingnut) Teabaggers are ag people getting a government subsidy? Did they all grow up in a vacuum? Did their parents or grandparents take advantage of the GI Bill? Government backed loans? Who among the teabaggers can say that they or anyone in their family has never used government assistance of any type? Gimme a break…

““The Constitution is a marvelous document, and it hasn’t changed. We have.”

Wait a minute there, don’t you mean the CIA and President George W. Bush changed it?

Sure seems like they did a tap dance on the constitution to me!

I think you have taken Texieras statement out of context but yeah, you can look at it that way.

What’s hilarious is that the Constitution HAS changed.

There are twenty-seven Amendments to the Constitution, including the first ten Bill of Rights.

The XIIIth abolished slavery, XIV defined citizenship, XV prohibits denial of suffrage based an race, color or previous condition of servitude.

The XVIth allows the federal government to collect income taxes. The IXX gave women the right to vote.

The XXVIth declared a national voting age of 18.

The XVIIIth Amendment ( prohibition of alcohol ) was nullified by the XXIst, that repealed the XVIIIth.

So again, these pseudo patriot teabaggers don’t know what they’re talking about.

So, …let me get this straight,,,there are at least SEVEN gripers that don’t like the Founders of the US Constitution that made provision for Amendments to our Federal government Constitution ?

Or what ? They don’t like the amendments themselves ?

Why do these people hate democracy ?

Do they love fascism that much ?

I think they do .

they don’t think the right side won the national war the “civil” war and want to roll back america the way america helped roll back the soviet system .

These are old school racists that like to play ‘dress-up’ in different clothes. They can’t parade around in white sheets and hoods anymore, so they become’pretend patriots’. They’re nativist, jingoistic, militant, and xenophobic.

Isn’t it funny that they only showed up after the nation elected its first president of color ?

Do you have any real examples of racism among TEA party people. Or could it be that they just oppose the far left policies from Obamma and his America hating friends?

Stereotyping is a form of bigotry/racism in itself.

Cherry picking, suppressing evidence, or the fallacy of incomplete evidence is the act of pointing to individual cases or data that seem to confirm a particular position, while ignoring a significant portion of related cases or data that may contradict that position. It is a kind of fallacy of selective attention, the most common example of which is the confirmation bias.

Confirmation bias is a tendency of people to favor information that confirms their beliefs or hypotheses. People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way. The effect is stronger for emotionally charged issues and for deeply entrenched beliefs. A series of experiments in the 1960s suggested that people are biased toward confirming their existing beliefs. Later work re-interpreted these results as a tendency to test ideas in a one-sided way, focusing on one possibility and ignoring alternatives.

Hasty Generalization Fallacy:

This fallacy is committed when a person draws a conclusion about a population based on a sample that is either not large enough, or the sample is taken from an unrepresentative population:

Sample S is taken from population P.

Conclusion C is drawn about Population P based on S.

The person committing the fallacy is misusing “Inductive Generalization” if Sample S is either too small, or the observed population from with Sample S is taken is not representative of the entire population.

Not only are a few photos cherry-picked out of a crowd of ??thousands?? a distorted sample, there can be no assumption that those turning out to a Washington rally remotely represent the whole.

The three “errors in argument” could also apply to an analysis of the so-called philosophy of the tea party. Especially as expressed by the innocents quoted in the article.

The Tea Party is pro-Oil which ultimately serves the corporate and military-complex.

They appeal to a nostalgic era of pre-Oil and the Age of Easy Oil (post WWI – pre Gulf Wars)

In order for the Tea Party to hold any credible arguement for reform, they must address how the USD is pegged to Oil, a solution to the current dysfunctional fractional reserve monetary policy and a national energy policy that continues to drive our Oil/Nuclear dependant culture. Both current mainstream political parties are responsible for the current deficit spending and outrageous debt and dependance on the government.

They have to steer clear of casting dispersions against the convenient scape goats of illegal immigration and lumping all who support and encourage sustainable energy policies into the extreme “Bleeding Greens Liberal Bucket”.

….Oil is still king, but the world is now becoming as dependant as the U.S., etal on this form of energy, and as long as we force the world to buy USD and defacto as the reserve currency we’ll be ahead of the curve, since nations require oil and must buy oil in USD.

We must work to restore a level “free-market”, reverse the trend of outsourcing our value added activities, minimize overhead, encourage domestic production all the way to the residential level and direct the DOD to work with far less energy.

It’s still about the use and free-low of oil, but the U.S. needs to lead the change instead of maintaining the status quo of consumption.

One of the core tenets of the tea party is a return to a non-specific time/period/viewpoint of which they hold an idealized conception.

Looking back, and not too far, we have domestic oil production, 25¢ gasoline, English-only publications, newly-minted suburbia & consumer culture.

I’m talking about the sanitized version of course. No internment camps, no pre-feminism patriarchy, no nuclear bombs, no widespread pollution.

So sure, reliving that is a fantasy akin to a nostalgic Disneyland trip. Who wouldn’t want that? And all for only 50¢ for an “E” ticket ride.


Folks, I posted “actually” because I left the “ly” off of “actual” in my previous post.

I stopped by the Sunken Gardens a couple of months ago to listen to what they had to say. I hadn’t planned on staying for long as I figured I was going to be listening to a bunch of far right, whacky evangelistic Republicans and that is something that I don’t like. I dislike the far right as much as I dislike the far left bleeding heart Democrats but that isn’t what I heard them talking about that day.

To my surprise, I agreed with everything they (the local Tea Party) were talking about. They were talking about exactly what this article portrays. I signed up to receive more information from them that day but haven’t ever followed up or got involved. .I think it’s time for me to take a stand and show up at their gatherings wherever they might be, because I agree, “United we STAND, divided we fall” and our “gubmint” needs to be made to protect our Constitution, not dismantle it and that is exactly what they have been doing.

I thought Obama would correct the wrong doing that Bush perpetrated upon the people when he (Bush) instituted the Patriot Act but Obama has continued to perpetuate the loss of out freedoms and even ramped it up. This is scary, very scary, people WAKE UP, STAND UP and educate yourselves, things aren’t OK.

I say – “Up Yours Uncle Sammy, you’re no kin of mine.

Very informative. Thanks.

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