Mothers for Peace support a delay in seismic testing

September 17, 2012


San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace supports gathering seismic information about the earthquake faults near Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant. In the wake of the Fukushima disaster and PG&E’s application to renew the licenses, seismic studies must be done to learn more about the potential dangers posed by earthquake faults to the two nuclear reactors and the tremendous amount of high-level radioactive waste that has accumulated on site over the past 28 years.

The current proposed plans for seismic studies offshore and near Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant were set in motion by AB 1632, an act of the California State Legislature. AB1632 is being implemented by the California Public Utilities Commission.

At present, Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) plans to conduct these studies from November through December, with the possibility of the tests being divided into two parts in successive years at the recommendation of the California State Lands Commission.

Mothers for Peace asserts that there are additional faults that also need further study in order to determine whether they might lead to more severe consequences that either the Hosgri or Shoreline Fault. These faults include the Diablo Cove Fault, which runs directly under the Unit 1 reactor, the San Luis Bay Fault, and the Los Osos Fault.

San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace shares the concerns of many local citizens and organizations about the extensive harm that will be inflicted on marine life if these studies are carried out as currently designed. PG&E’s plans rely largely on extremely loud underwater air guns, which are acknowledged by all parties to be highly disruptive to the ocean environment. Mothers for Peace urges extreme caution in the method used to obtain data about the faults in the 530 square nautical miles of the proposed testing area.

Because of grave and valid concerns voiced by the fishing and environmental communities, Mothers for Peace advocates that the seismic testing be delayed to allow time to thoroughly explore other technologies less harmful to marine life, and baseline studies of marine life must be completed and analyzed before any testing begins.

Because there is no plan for storing the radioactive wastes for the 250,000 years they will remain lethal; because Homeland Security classifies all nuclear facilities as targets of terrorism; and because of the 13 earthquake faults in the area around Diablo Canyon, San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace for decades has recommended that the plant be shut down and all stored radioactive waste transferred to hardened casks as soon as possible.

 San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace is a non-profit organization concerned with the local dangers involving the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, and with the dangers of nuclear power, weapons and waste on national and global levels.

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Unfortunately Mothers for Peace has spoken mostly out of ignorance. If they are afraid of radiation then stay out of the sun and lock yourself in a leadlined box as you get far more natural raidation from the sun and elements in the ground than from Diablo Canyon.

PG&E… damned if they do, damned if they don’t when it comes to the new seismic studies required for license renewal. They need approval from no less than 8 agencies. Fish & Game commissioners have already closed the books on their request if you read the New Times. Probably less fish would be kiled in the whole study than one large drag boat bringing in tons of bottom fish in one haul.

Their seismic studies most likely are outside the area where sea otters hang out since they are usually in the kelp beds close to shore. Seals, porpose & whales…. Ah if they hear something coming from a distance, do you really think they will swim toward it. Most likely they would swim in the opposite direction at a speed that far surpasses the speed of the seismic ships.

They have already finished their seismic studies on terra firma. I didn’t hear anyone sticking up for the ground squirrels or worms. Nor did I see any of them laying on the side of the road after the study was completed.

Perhaps next we’ll look into sonic booms. Better slow those rockets down from Vandenberg, they are scaring the wildlife.

Who is this group? We don’t need seismic killing of whales for any reason. We need to close down this ticking time-bomb called Diablo Canyon Power Plant. Studies show closure would not cause significant economic impact to coastal regions, nor are we in an energy crunch, We are also sick to death of big business destroying our precious earth. Enough with the profits trumping everything, including common sense. WE CANNOT KILL OFF OUR OCEANS FOR ANY REASON UNLESS WE WANT TO KILL OFF THE REST OF THE PLANET! WHO THINKS THIS STUFF UP? SEISMIC TESTING? I personally would be willing to unplug from the electric grid 8 hours a day if it would save our precious marine life.

SURE they are willing to delay. They have the DCPP license renewal tied up and 20 engineers idle because they DEMANDED that this work be done. Now they aren’t so sure. Unbelieveable group.

Let’s see , mothers for more pollution, mothers for higher fuel prices, mothers for with nothing better to do, mother for obstruction, mothers for emotional decisions, mothers against facts. I guess I am a father who does not care what mothers for peace has to say.

Really. Mother’s for peace? What is that? Teenagers for cool looking cars. Employees for higher wages. Homeless for free liquor. Nobodies for anonymity.

How about newspaper writers for filling space on a slow news day?

Thanks for your contribution to higher energy prices and dependence on Saudi oil.

I wish I could come up with one good thing to say about you ladies…so…I do hope you take care of your many cats.

Thank you to the Mothers for Peace; I feel that Diablo Canyon is run as well as it has been due in some part to the scrutiny of Mothers. I agree that there is no need to rush in to do this testing right now without seeing if there is a less abusive, less harmful technology that could be used instead.