No added fees for CSU students yet

November 14, 2012

A fee on so-called “super-seniors” in the California State University system won’t be levied by trustees as expected — at least for the time being. (Sacramento Bee)

The proposal on the agenda for trustees Tuesday would have added new fees for course repeating, and for students who take course loads heavier than usual.

Gov. Jerry Brown was at the meeting and thanked trustees for bypassing the proposal, a decision on which was apparently reached hours after Brown informed trustees he would attend.

The university system stands to gain about $125 million from proceeds from Prop. 30.

“Keeping down fees means you’ve got to keep down costs,” Brown told trustees. “And it also means we have to find more state revenue if we want to really invest in our higher education.”

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It’s interesting what you see if you tool around the net a bit. Take this, for instance. I wonder whether the CSU is doing the same things:

The State of New Mexico Could Be on Hook for College Plan Losses

By Jim Scarantino on October 23, 2012

The New Mexico Court of Appeals has ruled that the State of New Mexico may be held liable for most of an alleged $175 million in losses suffered by investors in the state’s college savings plans. A unanimous court issued the ruling yesterday. It provides added momentum to a class action lawsuit brought on behalf of families who saw college savings suffer enormous losses due to mismanagement by the investment firm selected by the New Mexico Department of Higher Education.

The Court of Appeals overruled a district court that found the state enjoyed sovereign immunity and could not be held liable for the losses. The class action asserts a breach of contract claim, arguing the state violated its obligations to investors by wrongfully investing in high-risk ventures instead of the conservative fixed-income funds the plaintiffs had contracted for.

More @

I thought the new tax hike (which I voted against) was going to fix all this. No matter what they said to get it passed, I think it was just to pay the pension obligations.

This is nothing more than an attempt by the CSU system to blame their problems on the weakest link in the system: students. Take a look at the administrative org chart for Cal Poly; you’ll see that it’s packed with bean counters making six-figured salaries and have assistants to help them out with their bean counting responsibilities. Seriously, go look at an org chart, get a good laugh from most of the job titles. The strangest thing is that most of these people don’t teach courses. Last I looked, Cal Poly was a school; why are there so many bean counters?

I highly doubt that the Wednesday night bar fly’s are the super seniors causing the issue. I have known a good number of “super” seniors…they are not all a bunch of Van Wilder’s trying to milk the system. Many are transfer students whose JC classes might not transfer into the CSU system smoothly. Or perhaps they are a student who wants to get through an intensive program like mechanical or aerospace engineering, but need to go on a slightly reduced pace. There are better ways to encourage them to graduate than making them pay fines.

Nope, they take up space that could be sold to a higher more motiviated student. If you want the education bad enough, you will make it work. If they need to go to a JC, well, that already speaks for itself. These adults are spending 3 – 5 years at a JC and then an additional 3 -5 year years at a university. This is an edication, not a career, pay or move over.

You mock community college students then spell E D U C A T I O N wrong. Ahh, the irony.

In fairness, i and u are next to each other. Maybe typo??

Governor Brown & CSU trustees could care less when these students graduate; they’re just looking for more revenue.

The system’s rigged. If you’re enrolled in an impacted major (seems like ALL the majors at Poly are impacted nowadays!) and are working your way through school, you may need to take 12 units instead of 15. Then when classes you need are slashed and you cannot get into one, you have to wait a quarter…or two…or three. It’s increasingly common for a student to spend 5 yrs instead of 4 and the college trustees already know this; they just figure they can get more $$ out of students.

Yep. A fool and his money are soon parted. Nobody knows this better than the honest folks running the CSU.

According to stats posted in the Tribune yesterday, “According to the most recent available data, about 36 percent of Cal Poly freshmen graduate in four years. Roughly 62 percent graduate within five years, and 76 percent graduate within six” I can see giving the student five years in the event classes become difficult to get for an extra quarter or two. But, when 76% take six years, then it is time to impose the super fees after 5 years.

It’s called motiviation to make room for the new students who want and deserve their edication, too. After six years, a student should have to reapply to the school.

Apparently you or none of your family members have attended Poly, slobird.

If the vast majority of Poly students are taking at least five years to finish school, that’s not because they’re all fooling around and don’t care about their “edication.” It’s because there are NOT ENOUGH CLASSES offered and students have to WAIT to take the courses that they need.

You are right about that. I have a niece that graduated from San Diego about a year and a half ago. It took her a little over four and a half years. She could have made four but in her fourth year, a couple classes she needed where full and seeing as she was almost done, nothing to do but take a few classes that last semester of fourth year and spill over to the fifth. And trust me she wasn’t happy about it herself.

I have had a nephew and a son who both graduated from Cal Poly. My son graduated from the Business School (Finance with honors) and my nephew from the Architecture School. I have a couple more that will be going to college and as a hardworking American citizen who is paying for their education (sorry that my “u” is not always working – maybe Obama will send me a new computer for Christmas) they work part time and have to get through asap as I will not support their lagging around. I did take my son 4 1/2 years and I surely can see where it might take 5. After that, they take space. Fact! No student should take six years unless they switched majors, repeated classes, or didn’t carry a full workload. Fact!

A UC Bachelor Degree requires 128 units for most majors and 160 for Architecture ( a noted 5 year program).

Let;s see, given 150 units (a couple for good measure), over 5 years is 30 units per school year which equals 3 quarters is only 10 units per quarter, which is not a full schedule/student and would qualify for full student aid. If they are good high school students, they can earn 16 of these units upon graduation from high school, or take community college classes at the same time as going to UC.. If they want to graduate in five years they can.

But those units include a lot of “electives.” Chuck the electives and let them pursue their major courses. They

Part of the problem is that the CSU demands too many units to get a degree. In other words, the program is TOO LONG. It shouldn’t take more than 2 years of full-time study to get a BA/BS. Part-time study would obviously take longer.

They need to shorten the programs by requiring LESS UNITS.

Actually, I agree with you. The biggest problem we have is the that most students entering college are not properly prepared and have to take reading, writing and other makeup classes in their first year. Why do we even allow these students in if they are not ready. I want all kids to get a good education, it is in all our best interest, they are the future. I just feel most are not motivated or prepared to get in there, concentrate, work, and get out in a respectable period of time. I am all for doing something about this and if it is penalizing with money, which seems like the biggest incentive these days, then I’m for it. Maybe we should also not only penalize the laggers but how about something to reward the successes. Something has to be done about this problem

An even better solution is to privatize them. Then the public won’t have to fret over the logistics; the MARKET will do that.

The market will shorten these degree programs damn straight and quick, getting rid of the dead wood classes, and bringing the process back in line with what what is needed by the customers.

In a free market, any pretender schools which refuse to do what the customers want them to do will find themselves out of business very quickly.

Brown told trustees. “And it also means we have to find more state revenue if we want to really invest in our higher education.” What, the $6 billion is not enough. One week after the election and already the new tax is not enough. There will never be enough. Go to a voucher system, privatize, or go with the charter schools but no more for all the losing unions camps. Stop providing for layers of union management $hithead$, free meals, transportation and all the other freebies and get back to the basics of education and maybe you would have more than you ever would need.

On the front page of the fishwrap there is a second year Cal Poly student, from Colorado, and already she is in debt for $50,000. She just started her second year at Poly (end of Sept) and has spent $50,000. Trust me, that money did not pay for just her education. Let’s see what she is driving (registered to Colorado I’ll bet), sitting at a bar on Thursday night, new clothing, etc. Another one who is banking on the student loan to be paid by the taxpayers.

Absolutely these students should pay after 5 years, for repeating a class or changing a major about the time you are ready to graduate. They should sign a contract with the school that they will graduate in 5 years or they have to reapply and their fees doubled. Just look at downtown SLO on Thursday thru Saturday night and you will see why these adults linger in school at taxpayer’s expense. FEES and PENALTIES, the wave of the future for everyone in California or pay for the education yourselves!