July, 2013

California gas tax hike takes effect

Californians will pay an extra 3.5 cents per gallon of gas beginning Monday. [Mercury News] The 3.5-cent gas tax increase gives California the highest gas tax in the nation at nearly 72 cents per gallon. Drivers who travel 15,000 miles... (Continue reading)

Twin sea otters born in Morro Bay

A sea otter in Morro Bay gave birth to rare twin pups about a week ago bringing researchers and photographers to Morro Rock. [Wired] The mom and siblings can be seen floating near a kelp bed by Morro Rock. The... (Continue reading)

Supreme Court rejects petition to halt same-sex marriages in California

The Supreme Court rejected a petition Sunday from Proposition 8 backers to stop same-sex weddings in California. [Huffington Post] Justice Anthony Kennedy denied the petition, upholding a ruling by an appeals court to allow same-sex marriages to resume in California.... (Continue reading)

Latino population to equal whites in 2013

The number of Latinos living in California will soon equal and then surpass that of non-Hispanic whites, according to official state population projections. The Latino Democratic Club is hosting an event on Monday that will highlight how the 15 million... (Continue reading)