Racism allegations lead to $150,000 settlement

October 15, 2017

John Clemons

A black South San Luis Obispo County Sanitation District plant operator won a $150,000 settlement after complaining that district officials were discriminating and retaliating against him. The district announced Friday that it had reached a settlement agreement with plant superintendent John Clemons. [Cal Coast Times]

Clemons resigned from the district effective Oct 13 after more than four years as chief plant operator. Clemons was hired in the spring of 2013, when the district was facing more than $1 million in fines foe environmental violations and allegations of conflicts on interest.

Under the allegations of conflicts of interest and mismanagement, former plant administrator John Wallace resigned in 2013. Before Wallace stepped down, the district regularly spent more than $4 million a year.

On May 1, 2013, Clemons became the chief plant operator. Less than a year later, the plant was operating cleaner at less than 50 percent the cost, according to financial reports obtained from the district.

Read entire article at Cal Coast Times.

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Lawyers the only winners here, making off with our tax dollars in legal fees because our stupid government representatives can’t figure out how to coexist together

Breaking News. The breeding epicenter for San Luis Obispo County has been found. John Shoals has released his findings that the sanitation district that he leads is the breeding grounds for the San Luis Obispo swamps. Who will be the one who will be able to clean the swamps? Dan Dow? FPPC? FBI? States Attorney General? It is what it is and I wouldn’t hold my breath. Business as usual just throw that money away.

From what I read, he should have been given a $150k bonus as an incentive to stay plus the commitment of severe disciplinary actions against any validated bully behavior. Personally I do not like to focus on the race card because bad behavior towards each other can have nothing to do with race, it usually is a personal problem that is projected on to others.

Jorge, I really like your take on the race card. I generally agree, and from my experience of John Clemens, I know he also agrees that the race card is to be used only in the most egregious cases.

This time, after reviewing the situation I could see no other explanation (and the operators agree) for the targeting for disciplinary action of only the three very dedicated, enthusiastic and competent African American operators at the plant. Of course, the legal advisors would deny it and spent hundreds of thousands “protecting” the District from these charges that could have been resolved quickly by the board had they chosen to follow the lead of the operators who just wanted fair play.