SLO County supervisors spar over oil well ban ballot measure

June 20, 2018

An initiative that would ban new oil wells in unincorporated parts of San Luis Obispo County will appear on this November’s ballot, following a contentious decision by the County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday. [Cal Coast Times]

The ballot measure, a citizens’ initiative, would prohibit extracting oil from new wells and wells that are repaired in the future. Property owners would be allowed to continue operating existing oil wells, which would become nonconforming uses in county code.

Additionally, the initiative would impose a ban on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, and well stimulation treatments, such as acid well stimulation. While fracking is not currently occurring in SLO County, the proposed ballot measure text states it might be used in the future to extract oil from the Monterey shale formation.

Prior to the initiative coming to the board of supervisors, backers of the measured gathered more than the necessary number of signatures to place the oil well ban on the ballot. On Tuesday, the board voted 4-0 to affirm that the measure would go to voters this fall.

Tuesday’s hearing included public comment from many proponents and opponents of the measure, and the board discussion centered around whether or not to provide voters with an economic impact statement on the initiative. Supervisors Bruce Gibson and Adam Hill opposed the inclusion of an economic impact statement, but facing the possibility of a court ordering its inclusion in the ballot, the two liberal supervisors withdrew their objection.

Supervisor John Peschong recused himself from the hearing because of his professional ties to the oil industry.

Supporters of the initiative argue it is necessary to protect the water, air and land of SLO County. Opponents argue the measure would have devastating impacts on the local economy.

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What noone has brought up is the problem if the vote fails, the greenies,lib,progressives and such get their pantys wadded up and don’t like the way the vote has gone will sue to try to stop it, ergo, taxpayer dollars down the drain to fight this, this can be an uphill battle.


Let’s hope clear thinking voters see through the phony hyperbole of the SLO Progressives, lest San Luis Obispo County finances decline further into the abyss. Led by the deranged Adam Hill, and assisted by fellow travelers Heidi Harmon, Caren Ray, Bruce Gibson, Kristine Barneich, Andy Pease, etc., these people will stop at nothing until our once-bucolic county is devastated and broke.

The concerns with oil extraction and fracking can be dealt with by writing good policy and procedure, but the blanket denial of the right of the petroleum industry to do business in SLO County will have devastating impacts on our local government budgets, AND INEVITABLY LEAD TO TAX HIKES.

Get it? The SLO Progressives want to raise your taxes and limit economic freedom to coincide with their idealogical agenda. I say we defeat these people with ideas, knowledge and networking, so we can keep SKLO County as a great place to live.

BTW, the petroleum industry is the most regulated industry in California, and our dependence on foreign fuel will increase under the liberals plan. As it is, the local oil industry is highly regulated and has largely been accident-free.

Dump the SLO Progressives, not oil production.


Will the county compensate me for taking my oil rights, that’s correct, oil rights not oil permit. As I remember there is a law which disallows any government taking without compensation. That said, I do believe in protecting our water and I believe we can have both safe water and oil, just need to have protective extraction methods and require continued verification.

Oh joy, more dependence on foreign oil. I’m sure the same “Progressive” crowd who opposes new oil exploration, are the ones who also protest every time we have a war for oil. Their hypocrisy knows no limits,

Anyone who wears cotton supports the oil industry. Cotton harvesters use oil products to operate.

would injecting CO2 be ok for stimulating wells?

Line up Gibson and Hill and the hot air outta their pie holes should do the trick.

Diablo Closing….adios tax dollars

Oil Leaving….adios tax dollars.

About the only thing left the SLO Government likes is Illegal Immigrants since they get dollars per head to the SLO Schools. Well until Diablo $$ is gone and the schools go broke!

Actually there would still be tourist dollars left. So we can all get minimum wage jobs in gift shops and as hotel desk clerks and maids. The rich retired liberals who move here from L.A. certainly don’t care, they got theirs.

Oh wait, were going to close Pismo State Beach OHV area because the people who live on sand dunes in Nipomo are having a sand problem. Adios tourist dollars too.