Woman caught smuggling drugs into the Santa Barbara County Jail

July 16, 2018

An 18-year-old Lompoc woman allegedly attempted to smuggle meth and heroin into the Santa Barbara County Main Jail on Sunday, according to the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department. [Cal Coast Times]

After Mariah Lyons was booked into the jail on narcotics related charges, patrol deputies told custody staff Lyons might have concealed narcotics inside her body. Guards then escorted Lyons to the medical treatment room.

“Custody deputies informed Lyons that they believed she was concealing contraband on or in her person, and she was instructed to give the contraband up immediately,” according to a press release. “Lyons removed a large packet of what appeared to be drugs from inside of her person.”

Investigators weighed and tested the substances. One packet weighed 44.2 grams and tested presumptive positive for heroin. The second substance weighed 25 grams and tested presumptive positive for methamphetamine. The drugs have an in custody value of approximately $12,000.

Lyons is facing charges of narcotic sales, possession in a facility and conspiracy to introduce narcotics into a facility. She is being held on $280,000 bail.
