SLO police chief has committed a crime and should be terminated

July 11, 2019

Kevin Rice


The San Luis Obispo City Manager’s attempt to write the “rest of the story,” seal it with a kiss, and close the book is a disingenuous sham. This criminal act is not cured with an apology and paid training class.

Police Chief Deanna Cantrell has committed  a crime and should be terminated immediately.

Penal Code 25100: …a person commits the crime of “criminal storage of a firearm in the second degree” if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The person keeps any loaded firearm within any premises that are under the person’s custody or control.

(2) The person knows or reasonably should know that a child is likely to gain access to the firearm without the permission of the child’s parent or legal guardian, or that a person prohibited from possessing a firearm or deadly weapon pursuant to state or federal law is likely to gain access to the firearm.

(3) The child obtains access to the firearm and thereby causes injury, other than great bodily injury, to the child or any other person, or carries the firearm either to a public place or in violation of Section 417, or the person prohibited from possessing a firearm or deadly weapon pursuant to state or federal law obtains access to the firearm and thereby causes injury, other than great bodily injury, to himself or herself or any other person, or carries the firearm either to a public place or in violation of Section 417.

All of the above conditions have been met.

This crime becomes a felony if death or great bodily injury results.

The next Kate Steinle is now at risk. Only time will tell.

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Wait. Am I missing something? Did a child “obtain access to the firearm and thereby causes injury…”

If not, how is condition #3 met?

no child or criminal took the gun so everything is just fine

Suspension and pay cut, as long as the gun is not used in a crime. If it is subsequently used in a crime, termination and legal charges, if applicable. Shouldn’t be a career terminator, so long as the gun is recovered or not linked to a future crime.

Just saw that the gun was recovered. Great. Now suspension and permanent pay cut.

Everything stated by Mr. Rice is an accurate description (verbatim) and understanding of the law. These laws have been used many, many times against serfs who have substandard gun safes, leave guns out in the house when children/visitors are about the place, lend out or misplace their guns. Many serfs under these circumstances:

1. forfeit the permission to keep and bear arms

2. forfeit their permission to concealed carry

3. have had sentences for small crimes (selling MJ) enhanced due to firearms being present in the house, etc.

4. have been prosecuted for crimes committed by others using their guns

5. have lost custody of their children due to improper storage of guns.

But Chief Cantrell is not a serf. Serf’s can’t apologize. Serf’s can’t take on a weekend gun class: “remember to never leave the bathroom without your gun people, let’s repeat after me: ‘Never leave your gun in a public restroom’…….now, we’ll take a restroom break and when we come back I’m going to ask you all to repeat that…..did anyone leave their gun in the restroom at break? No? Great!”

No, Chief Cantrell is a noblemen. (nobleperson? It’s confusing to use ancient terms with modern linguistic rules. ) As a nobleperson, she’ll just strap on one of her other guns and it will be business as usual.

We all know this…..the laws simply do not apply the same way to everyone. There’s not just a double standard, there’s a multi-tiered standard.

The right to keep and bear arms is not a “permission” it is a right guaranteed by the Constitution.

I’m glad you noticed that…..I agree with you 100%. But the Constitution no longer applies and most of our laws are unconstitutional, including gun laws.

My point is that if a serf broke these unconstitutional laws they would be “punished” in a much, much different manner than if a nobleman broke the same laws. BTW, the Constitution also outlaws the granting of titles of nobility…..

This is a bit over-the-top Kevin.

Yeah, he’s been trolling local online publications for ages now, antagonistic sometimes.

Our Countries Immigration Laws are broken every day.

Why should our Gun Laws and Tax Laws and Speeding Laws and other laws be any different.

You just made the best comment of the year

Reposted your comment as an article. Sheesh, typical Kevin.

As much I think this was a bone-headed move, and dangerous, what you’re saying is ridiculous. Come on, it was an accident.

And if you want to be literal, let’s look at “(1) The person keeps any loaded firearm within any premises that are under the person’s custody or control.” She doesn’t “keep” the firearm within any premises, she accidentally “left” the firearm. It’s not the same. If I “left” my wallet in the Pollo Loco restroom, it doesn’t mean I “keep” it there.

That’s a stretch. Let the trolls have at it.


I AGREE with Mr. Kevin Rice!

Clearly the progressive echo chamber is working overtime to cover for Deanna Cantrell, and the whacky left is bending over backwards to sweep this whole sordid affair under the table.

If anything, the city police chief should be held to a HIGHER standard, not a lower one, and it certainly appears that Monica Irons and Derek Johnson are prepared to dismiss this behavior by making light of Deanna Cantrell’s ‘refreshing’ apology. Really? Cantrell should be fired.

How about the leaders in city administration grow a pair and start holding the upper brass to a higher standard than just glossing over egregious behavior? As taxpaying citizens, we deserve to have a police chief who has the confidence of the rank-and-file, not some out-of-touch desk jockey who doesn’t have the slightest clue about what policing is all about. Veteran cops will tell you that even the fact that Ms. Cantrell’s wears body armor while in uniform indicates she is a little odd.

Speak truth to power.

I have to agree with you here. It seems a harsh punishment, to fire her, at first, but when you think about the implications of a soldier not securing their weapon then it’s a more than just punishment. People could have easily died. The thing about higher standards is the most important point. Police officers used to be the shining example of men and women in a community. They used to be held to higher standards (and friendly too), but now they tend to hide behind corrupt officials and clever interpretations of the law insulating themselves into an us vs. them clique. They are no longer role models. I know things have never been perfect and never will, and I know there are always good apples in the bunch, but no sane person can claim the USA is anywhere near its best right now.

From just my personal bias, this policewoman is pro immigration so I really do hope she is fired and we can replace her with someone who is going to let ICE do it’s job.

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