Local governments doing less at a higher cost

August 1, 2019

Local government agencies in California are offering fewer services and reducing employees numbers because of rising pension costs.

Median pension costs for local governments in California rose at a rate nearly six times that of local agencies nationwide between 2007 and 2016, according to data released by a UC Berkeley professor.

Sarah Anzia, an associate professor at UC Berkeley’s Goldman School of Public Policy, released a report compiling data on the pension expenditures of cities and counties across the United States. The report also discusses the impact of rising pension costs on local government budgets and services.

In a policy brief released in conjunction with the report, Anzia argued rising pensions costs, particularly in California, are resulting in the elimination of local government jobs.

“Local government is being transformed by rising pension costs, and as a result, citizens of California can expect a future in which city and county governments do less with more,” Anzia stated. “These changes are also not positive for government employees and their unions, because as local governments spend more on pensions, they are also cutting jobs.”

According to Anzia’s findings, local pension costs rose almost everywhere around the United States, but they increased at a much higher rate in California. Between 2007 and 2016, median pension costs nationwide increased by $1,216 per employee, while they rose by $7,022 per employee among California cities and counties.

Anzia attributes high public sector union membership and collective bargaining as major factors in pensions costs rising at a faster rate in California than across the country. Still nationwide, policymakers have made public employee pensions more generous and have failed to set aside enough money to pay for them, Anzia said.

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California is the hamster wheel of crazy.

Allowing public sector unions was a huge, irreversible mistake.

I could say many things about this; but since this a ‘family-rated’ news page – I will just say “malarkey” (fell free to substitute your own words, many of which may not be printable).

City governments will NEVER operate like all the rest of us must! And they will always and continuously be looking for ways to get more from their citizens to pay the outrageous salaries and benefits for themselves.

Government is putting the old type of organized crime to shame.

Pish posh….not a problem! If local governments don’t have enough money to govern locally, just increase the budget!

If they can’t meet their pension obligations, just raise taxes!

If, after increasing the budget and raising taxes, fees, licenses, etc. they still cannot meet pension obligations and the cost of local governing, not a problem!

Just get together with other counties and states who are in the same pickle and get the super-compassionate leftist politicians to annuitize ALL pensions, SEP’s, Roth IRA’s, 410k’s and other vehicles into a single, federal vehicle that will:

1. Give .gov folks the pensions they demanded and expect

2. Give the public the portion of their retirement savings that they need (not the same as giving them what they actually saved….but #2 is less important that #1.)

Call it the Pension Protection Plan, or the American Worker’s Promise, or the Secure Retirement Act…..or some other such nonsense.

The point is simply take money from the public and give it to the government. How easy is that?

I should run for office.

This is news to me.

The reason California has huge pensions and pension deficits tie directly to the fact that it is the most solid democratic state in the country and all democrats are reelected without any opposition. Pay off the rank and file and they will return the favor. Quid pro quo!

Somebody should ask Sara Anzia how much their F’up brainwash academy will cost local and state agencies in Ca when their eventually forced to change tens of thousands of signs that once read “men’s” “woman’s” room or whatever after their gender non existent reg’s they recently passed. How does law enforcement write reports? Instead of the male or female, it will be,the person who identifies as a male. Suppose they dont know which of the 58 gender identities they are? Let the screams of your a homophobe or racist begin.

Typical attention grabbing headline. I wish for once someone would investigate the reason why city managers and county supervisors choose to spend excess money on additional projects, rather than pay down debt. Like when SLO considered an increase in local sales tax but specifically stated that the funds would not be used to pay pension, or when SLO had excess money and built the Mecca of all skate parks, or spending money on a bike path through a part of the city that the community didn’t want. If I don’t like paying my credit card off, I’ll just go get another and keep spending, while only making minimum payments…..SMH.

Quit vilifying employees and unions CalCoastNews, address the policy makers who are creating the debt, while racking up the big money pensions themselves.

“address the policy makers who are creating the debt” such that many of those policy makers are in or have family and friends in the pension system and are not looking out for the financial health of the taxpayers.

Oh give me a break. They add the sales tax and earmark it for infrastructure, because they are freeing up the funds in the general fund for paying down debt. The reason we have to SPECIFY it can’t be used for pension costs is precisely because government employees will take EVERY SINGLE LAST PENNY that they can get their hands on. Public employee compensation is 30-70% higher than private industry, excluding CEO salaries. Public safety is the #1 offender. All one has to do is take 5 minutes perusing the salary data to get an accurate picture of how we are getting taken for a right by public sector unions.


and SLO is not even close to the worst. Just hit the overall California numbers on the site I provided in my last comment and the story is complete.

Those top earners are executives, my point…

And we are paying them to tell us what we already know too! That makes it all better?