Paso Robles man accused of distributing violent child porn

December 6, 2019


Federal agents arrested a Paso Robles man this week who is accused of both possessing and distributing child pornography.

Stephen Mullen, 38, faces one count of distribution of child pornography and two counts of possession. During his arraigned in federal court, he pleaded not guilty to the charges.

On or around Oct. 7, 2018, Mullen used an instant messaging app to send a video depicting an old man sodomizing an infant-aged girl, according to a federal indictment filed in  the United States District Court for the Central District of California. Mullen allegedly sent the video on the app Kik Messenger, on which he used the moniker “moleone5680.”

Mullen was also found to be in possession of images and videos containing both a prepubescent minor and a minor under the age of 12 engaged in sexually explicit material. Investigators found the child pornography on a computer and an external hard drive that belonged to Mullen, the indictment states.

Authorities released Mullen from custody after he posted $20,000 bail. Mullen’s case is scheduled to go to trial on Jan. 28.

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If I remember correctly his dad was employed in SLO law enforcement for a long time

So he walked out of jail for a $2000 bail bond payment? I’ll be surprised if he shows up in court. What a slime!

I’m sure he already has his flight booked for Thailand.