Oceano CSD to slash director compensation

February 10, 2020

Will Clemens


Shortly after Arroyo Grande and San Luis Obispo city councils granted themselves considerable raises in compensation, Oceano Community Services District General Manager Will Clemens is asking district board members to consider cutting their compensation.

For years, Oceano has struggled financially, keeping it from conducing timely repairs on its leaky sewer and water pipes. In addition, the district is currently asking residents to pass a special $180 per year fire tax to fund its contribution to the Five Cities Fire Authority.

As cost saving measures, Clemens is suggesting both capping committee compensation for board members, and cutting the number of regular board meetings from two to one per month.

In addition to saving on staff time spent preparing for regular meetings, Clemens estimates changing to one meeting a month “would result in cost savings of $27,000 annually,” according to the staff report.

“Your board would still have the ability to call for special meetings if needed,” Clemens says in his report.

Clemens is also recommending cutting costs by capping director committee compensation to $100 for all committee meetings each month. Currently, board members are paid $50 each for specific committee meetings, which they generally battle to attend.

In December, the board majority: Linda Austin, Karen White and Shirley Gibson banned Director Cynthia Replogle from serving on all committees, and assigned Director Alene Villa to a non-compensated committee. Following community outrage, the board agreed to revisit committee assignments at its Feb. 26 meeting.

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Any wonder that a CSD that would throw away so much money on Paavo for so long, and still is in pension costs, and then again on another administrator now, would now be claiming financial problems?

Someone (i.e. Will Clemens) is believing his own rhetoric…if the fire tax fails there won’t be enough money to pay him his annual $170+ benefits. Clemens looks to be looking under every rock to save the district’s fund to pay himself.

Paavo took all the money — his 6 years ($250K annually) could have paid for a lot of fire service.

Well, Will, you you too step up to the plate and request that the Board reduce your compensation?

Wills kicking a$$ and taking names. It’s about time