Activists bused in from LA to attend San Luis Obispo rally

August 26, 2020


Protesters rode buses from Los Angeles to San Luis Obispo on Tuesday in an attempt to dissuade prosecutors from filing charges against SLO Black Lives Matter leader Tianna Arata.

The gathering held outside the San Luis Obispo Courthouse drew a few hundred people, including Arata, who made her first appearance at a public demonstration since her July 21 arrest. Arata also delivered a speech and led chants at the rally.

Following Arata’s speech, Melina Abdullah, a Cal State Los Angeles professor and co-founder of Black Lives Matter Los Angeles, announced activists from LA were bused into SLO.

“I heard that some of the folks in SLO were saying that there were buses of people coming up to stand with Tianna, and they right,” Abdullah said. “We got up at three o’clock in the morning, got on the bus and we’re here to stand with our sister Tianna Arata.”

While Abdullah said critics were correct that demonstrators were getting on buses and coming to SLO, they were wrong in claiming the activists are paid.

“What they got wrong when they said that we’re getting on buses to come into SLO is when they started saying that we are paid organizers. We are not paid organizers,” Abdullah said.

Kendrick Sampson, an actor who appeared in The Vampire Diaries and other television shows, also spoke at the rally.

The event also drew several dozen counter-protesters, who stood in and around the intersection of Monterey and Osos streets, some holding American flags and at times chanting “liar” in reference to Arata.

After the completion of the rally, San Luis Obispo City Manager Derek Johnson and Police Chief Deanna Cantrell held a press conference addressing criticism of the city and the police department.

The police department stands by the charges — five felony counts and three misdemeanors — it recommended the district attorney’s office file against Arata, Cantrell said.

“Tianna Arata was arrested for her own actions, for her own behavior, her own decisions,” Cantrell said. “She broke several laws. She committed several crimes. She recorded herself committing those crimes.”

Arata declined to give comment to CalCoastNews during the rally.

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They got their permit to do this correct? Well I hope you have a long hot ride back to where you came from.

When the jurors see the videos, some posted by Arata herself, they can judge whether she was provoking the crowd/protesters. As their ”leader” she could have dissuaded them from blocking a public highway. Also the cavalier way Rick Stollmeyer Mindbody CEO downplayed shutting down the highway with jaywalking is an example of the false logic used by some of the movement.

offer her a deal. Tell her to go back to portland where you came from and take your BLM protests with you never to return to SLO county and all charges will be dropped.

One thing that most people seem to be glossing over. I think most (including myself) thought this protest would be HUGE. It was not.

The young commies are getting tired. They long for their basements…

How many houses in SLO county actually have basements? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one.

I think the counter-protestors two best phrases were:

* “Watch the video!”

* “Lock her up!”

Oh, and most of the people show above, need to bring some manners with them, should they ever return to SLO. This is not South Central Los Angeles. Monterey Street not Crenshaw Blvd. It’s rude to stand at corners, blocking sidewalks, oblivious to everything else going on around you.

Um during any summer day during a normal year there are hundreds of tourists downtown standing on corners, blocking sidewalks, and oblivious to everything else around them. Any night during the spring or fall it’s drunk college students instead of tourists. Sounds like normal SLO behavior to me.

yes “actanonverbanonacta” you are right,there are rude.Lets our president being our role model; a married man sleeping with a porn star,A billionaire looking at everybody from the top of his tower. Go there and grab them by the …..

Michelle Arata had a chance to say it was her fault for not restraining Tianna from blocking the freeway, but her parenting instincts fell short both yesterday and a month ago. So, if Tianna gets a felony conviction her future employment, credit, rental applications and voting rights are all affected. Thanks mom! Maybe if there was a responsible dad in the picture…?

Blocking freeways is never a good idea.

I witnessed additional people from out of the area. When I parked to attend the pro law enforcement group a car pulled up behind me. As these young people got out of their car car they were discussing where to go, who to contact. They seemed unfamiliar with SLO and were trying to get their bearings.

This was not a grass roots protest of local citizens. Rather it was a political event organized by ??

Shouldn’t they be at work? Oh wait…..

Ha!Ha! Good one!

The protesters, or the counter-protesters?


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