Why I protest with Black Lives Matter in San Luis Obispo

August 26, 2020

James Papp


One summer I spent ten weeks doing upscale finish carpentry for a Lake Superior cabin-garage complex we began to refer to as the Garage Mahal. Staying at the neighboring cabin was a Midwest business executive named Mather, and I asked him if he was related to Increase Mather, the Puritan clergyman and president of Harvard College. When he said he was a descendant, I pointed out that in 1692 his ancestor had interviewed my nine-times-great-aunt Abigail in her prison during the Salem Witch Trials.

As we talked more about our backgrounds, I realized that all his ancestors in the intervening three centuries had persisted as professors and bishops and other grandees, and mine had persisted as small farmers and craftsmen—until my working-class parents moved as close as they could afford to the local UC campus, and my sisters and I were able to take advantage of a public higher education that in the 1980s was still affordable and accessible.

When I think about the 300 years that it took my family to climb to the middle class, I can’t help but think of other families who were enslaved for the first 175 years and were Jim Crowed, covenanted and redlined for the next 100. Then America did a couple of decades of affirmative action to try to make up for those centuries but soon changed its mind.

All of these are reasons why I protest that Black Lives Matter, because for so many centuries in this country the official and unofficial policies have been that Black lives didn’t matter: didn’t need to be free, have voting rights, have equal schooling, ride in the front of the bus, live in the same neighborhoods, join the same clubs, or marry who they wanted. Of course all lives matter; give me a break. But if you think we live in a country where centuries of discrimination have been wished away with pixie dust, and we don’t need to work to achieve equality, and equality isn’t healthy for a society, you should look at current statistics. All men are created equal, but Black babies in America are stillborn at twice the rate of White babies, which puts a damper on creation.

I had a lot of talks about race with Archie McLaren of Wine Classic fame in the weeks before his death. Archie grew up in Memphis; his grandmother grew up with a slave sleeping at the foot of her bed. Archie’s first wife was Black, a fact that necessitated them being hustled out of Mississippi ahead of the KKK in 1969, even though it was two years after the Supreme Court had struck down anti-miscegenation laws in Loving v. Virginia. Richard Loving was a white construction worker; his wife Mildred Jeter, the daughter of a black farmer. The Lovings were charged with “cohabiting as man and wife, against the peace and dignity of the Commonwealth.”

With Archie I concluded that the greatest trick the White ascendancy ever pulled was convincing working-class Whites that their interests lay with plantation- and factory-owning Whites rather than with working-class Blacks: in effect dividing an economic interest group along racial lines. The Civil Rights Movement triumphed over legal discrimination during my childhood, but during my entire adult life, economic inequality has been growing and social mobility shrinking in America, across all racial lines.

The poor have gotten poorer, the rich have gotten exponentially richer, and the middle class has lost its spending power, which is a huge factor in the decline of local retail. Inequality has further exploded during COVID, as Blacks, Hispanics, service workers, and agricultural workers have been hit disproportionately in livelihoods and lives lost. Meanwhile the stock market booms.

So I’ve protested with 3,000 others in front of the County Courthouse. I’ve protested with three others on the corner of Madonna and Los Osos Valley roads. I’ve been on marches organized and peopled by a variety of groups: NAACP, Race Matters, Students for Quality Education, a local gardening club, and random kids who text others.

I hear some snark about Black Lives Matter protests. In some circles it’s probably all snark. In other circles there’s no snark. We tend to stick to our circles these days. But Karen Velie and I are in an intersection of circles, so she asked for my inside take for CalCoastNews, and I’ll call it as I see it.

Snark 1. The protesters are all White. (Not true. Young protesters’ race is all over the place: Black, White, Asian, Indigenous, and a lot of mixture. Which is maybe the point of desperately wanting equality.)

Snark 2. None of the Black protesters are from here. (Not true, and I don’t see why that should matter. You don’t leave your First Amendment rights in the U-Haul.)

Snark 3. There was never any discrimination in San Luis. (True if you listen to Whites. Not true if you listen to Blacks, Hispanics, or Asians.)

Snark 4. Some protesters have done illegal things. (If true, it doesn’t impugn other protesters or the protests. The Supreme Court’s unanimously ruled in NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware Co. that protesters, like everyone else, have responsibility only for their own actions.

Karen asked me to address her and Josh Freidman’s article “Protesters demand money from San Luis Obispo business owners.” I have to say that “name calling, another request for money and a personal visit,” though unpleasant, doesn’t sound like extortion, and a text promising someone is going to write “an official letter asking” for “donations to local and national black lives matter agencies,” if genuine, and if the letter was ever written, doesn’t sound like extortion, either. People send me official letters asking for donations all the time, and I throw them away. They come in person, and I say no. And I can’t tell you how many people call me names. But if business owners think the law has been broken, they should call the cops.

Karen and Josh have reported that some protesters called for boycotts of some merchants, particularly those who boarded up back in early June. Boarding up came across as creepy, and threatening a boycott for boarding up comes across as creepy, but they’re both perfectly legal. In NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware Co., the Supreme Court pointed out that boycotts as an “expression on public issues” rest “on the highest rung of the hierarchy of First Amendment values.” But maybe we should all move on to a more productive discussion.)

Snark 5. All protesters have done illegal things. (I confess to jaywalking with intent. The cops know where to find me.)

Snark 6. The protesters don’t have jobs. (Told me by a counter-protester who also apparently had nowhere better to be. Yes, protesters have jobs and businesses but grab an hour on evenings and weekends and other times they’re not working to say what they believe in.)

Snark 7. The protests are inconvenient. (Racism has been a 400-year-long inconvenience in America, not just for people of color but for our whole society. And our history of protest goes back to the Boston Tea Party, which was certainly inconvenient to tea drinkers. So if it takes some brief counter-inconvenience for us to end racism, that would be worth it, wouldn’t it? Let me compare the hours I’ve sat in traffic for no better reason than someone was trying to text and drive and got into a fender-bender, or to the noise I’ve had to endure from party people on the plaza.)

Snark 8. The protests are ruining business. (With a pandemic that has killed almost 200,000 people in America and no one from the White House down to SLO City Hall willing to take the steps to eradicate it, with an economic downturn like no one has seen before, and with SLO County having record heat and the worst air quality in the country, I’m not sure why the protests get the blame here. As a downtown business owner, I’m always hearing complaints as to why people “don’t come downtown anymore”—of which my favorite is “There are too many people downtown.”)

Snark 9. The cops have spent too much money policing the protests. (I think the cops have overreacted, but in a department with 559 sets of night vision goggles [for the next vampire invasion?], that doesn’t surprise me.)

Snark 10. The protests have gone on too long, and the protesters are losing our sympathy.

The protesters are not protesting for sympathy, they’re protesting for change, and nothing has actually changed except sympathy. Legislation in Congress is stalled. In the California legislature, numerous bills have been introduced but not passed. And in SLO, the City Council decided to form a committee to consider a task force to think about suggestions. That struck me as lame, but the city bureaucracy likes to make sure the council never does anything on its own unless it’s meaningless.

I remember the night the Rodney King riots started in LA. I was writing the footnotes to my dissertation as choppers hovered and smoke rose from the horizon. Sixty-three people were killed, 2,383 injured, 12,000 arrested, with $1 billion in property damage. I thought then that protesting was silly and instead set about forming committees and task forces. But 28 years later, I realize little has changed for the better and much for the worse. The only time I’ve spoken at the SLO protests, it was to apologize for waiting 28 years.

So I say, yes: let’s bring the protests to an end, but not by snarking about them or putting up BLM signs. Let’s figure out how we can bring about real change.

As a policy wonk, I look at budgets, and the budgets make me furious. Since I was in school, I’ve seen California’s higher education budget drop by half and its prison budget double. That’s an issue for every working-class person of any color, because it’s not only cheaper for the state to send our kids to college than to prison but a hell of a lot more productive for our whole society.

I’m furious that SLO proposed a regressive sales tax increase that will hit poor and unemployed people and struggling retailers the hardest.

I’m furious that when I’ve pointed out to the SLO City Council that we’re building housing only for the rich, not the poor, I’ve been told I can’t use the words “rich” and “poor,” because they’re “trigger words.”

That’s why I’m out there running for council. Because I’m an optimist. Because if this is the moment that everything can shift for the better on race and class—if we can have a more equal, more open and more productive society—I want to be there putting my whole back into it.

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Not everybody that disagrees with BLM is a racist or white supremist. And going into a business and telling the owner that you want money because you boarded up your windows, trying to avoid having to buy new windows because a “Peaceful Protest,” might break them , or else they would assassinate his character online and ruin his business, IS extortion. I don’t know how Tiana Arata was raised, but she plays the race card every single day. If she goes to Cal Poly, they are going to be afraid to give her a low grade, she’ll say, “It’s because I’m black,” then she’ll stomp her feet, threaten the Prof. , and they’ll roll over and give her what she wants. I hope the city gives her what she deserves. She’s already stated that the court is treating unfair. She hasn’t been yet. She needs. To be charged. Hell, they charge cops with murder (Atlanta Wendy’s shooting), for just doing his job, and doing nothing wrong.

Unless you had been mentored in the trade for years prior , your contribution at a young age in “upscale finish carpentry” over a whopping 10 weeks would be charity pay from your employer . This smells strongly of academia for the sake of academia.

Thank you for pointing this out! Becoming a finish carpenter takes a lot of time and talent.

But an upscale finish carpenter? ;)

Frankly Mr. Papp I don’t see where your family was so bad off. Small family farms were the mainstay of American families for decades. Your family was no different than millions of others who farmed and fed and built this country. You should be proud of your family instead of ashamed that they weren’t college professors.

You lost my vote and your logic weak ” Comparing J-walking to blocking the freeway ” is nonsense…

Polite letters asking for donation are absolutely fine. When such letters are backed up by threats of public shaming and business interruptions – it smells like extortion to me. Not just me, here is the legal definition (from findlaw.com): “Most states define extortion as the gaining of property or money by almost any kind of force or threat of violence, property damage, harm to reputation, or unfavorable government action.”

Noticed the “harm to reputation” part?

Do you know what would be great and what would save Black lives?….if BLM and Lebron James and the NBA would conduct a town hall with cops on national TV showing young African Americans how to cooperate with law enforcement…if they are innocent and happened to run into a bad cop let them know they will get their day in court….the message for everyone should be to comply and don’t die…Even Mr Papp can join them if he cares to….Yesterday Lebron James said black people are scared…well cops are scared too….we have two sides unwilling to see the other side….lets get them on stage together….and bring the heat down….before its too late….

“well cops are scared too”

Why? The cops are the ones with the guns, body armor, back-up, armored vehicles, SWAT teams, etc. George Floyd, Jacob Blake, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbury, Eric Garner, Rodney King, etc, etc, ad infinitum were UNARMED!

The only side I see is that African Americans are inordinately targeted by police for harassment, violence and murder.

Doc Rivers put it well the other night when he asked why Republicans are fearful when it is blacks that are being murdered in the streets.

Take a moment and think about what its like to pull over a car after dark by yourself with a driver that will not comply and keeps reaching in his pockets or digging under his seat…yeah you bet cops are scared too…they are human….not robots…..the problem we are having is that people on each side of this issue are failing to see the other side…just like you just failed to do with your post….

Guess what: cops are being killed too. 28% more felony killings of police officers this year than 2019 (ABC News). They see violence every day, so yes, they can be scared. This must be dealt with through proper training and, perhaps, some therapy.

Unless you are a cop, how do you know what they feel, what they went through before the deadly encounter, what goes through their minds during the encounter?

Sure, they take their risks. But being a police officer does not even rank in the top ten of most dangerous jobs in America. You are more likely to be killed while logging, fishing, flying, sorting garbage, farming, and more than to suffer a fatality from policing.

Of course, America is upside down right now, and crime has increased, but remember that before the pandemic, crime was at historic lows.

Finally, you’re right, I have no idea what a cop goes through. I was a farmer, and according to CNBC, I had a greater risk of dying on the job than a police officer.


Look up police injuries…why are you fixating on death numbers to determine what “dangerous” is…its so easy to sit in the safety of your home and say cops do not have a dangerous job…try going on a ride along for a week…

A BLM activist was invited to go through police gun safety training that cops go through…the first test he confronted a man that kept walking away from him as he was trying to get him to stop and talk…it took a second for the man to grab a gun and fire…if this was real the activist/cop would be dead…..

The next test he actually shot an unarmed man…if it was real he would have killed an unarmed man….there is a video of this on the internet….after the training the activist said he has developed a 180 degree change of opinion of cops due to this training…

Many thanks for providing a link, really appreciated! Interesting read. May I point out a couple of considerations. First, I do not think they separate police desk jobs vs ones who are walking the beat. So there is a potentially significant bias. Other occupations listed are more uniform. Most importantly, you know what can kill you at your job. If you are farmer, you are very careful with your equipment, but at the end of the day, you are mostly in control of your environment. Tractors are not going on shooting rampage. Cop’s life is very different – you never know what awaits you during the next encounter, especially when you go after people with a rap sheet. What you face can easily shoot you or kill with a knife.

The local protests are primarily about not filing charges against Tianna Arata.

Mr. Papp, do you believe in equal justice for everyone regardless of skin color? If you do, shouldn’t the DA do his job, investigate to determine if charges should be filed? Should charges not be filed because Tianna is black, or should her skin color be irrelevant?

Do you agree with the protesters hope to get the jury pool full of people who are protesting for no charges based on Tianna’s skin color and not the facts? Or should the jury be people who are open to the truth?

Do you support trying to win a court case through protests rather than having the facts laid out?

The idea that people should be treated differently because of their skin color, is racism. Race should not matter, but these protests are that it should.

My fellow citizens look at the events in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Poor policing resulting in a shooting by an officer leading to riots, then untrained armed young rural vigilantes fed by right wing media Info Wars enter the fray, and two shot dead by a 17 year old with an assault rifle, resulting in more rioting, lives ruined, property ruined. AND it is not over yet in Kenosha.

As a person that experienced the 1965 Watts riots and 1970 Isla Vista riots, those who glorify rioting or vigilante-ism are wishing for the destruction and death of other human beings. Kenosha CAN happen here. Isla Vista CAN happen here. Understand America and it’s history. America will go full on Racist and Fascist before it goes Marxist, so drop the Marxist, Anarchist, Antifa lingo. Citizens, we must INSIST, time out on the marching, drop the charges, and deescalate.

Did you watch the whole video from Kenosha? Did you see the 17 year old attacked with a skateboard and see the guy pointing a pistol at his face?

17-years old! Shouldn’t he have been playing baseball or fixing the carburetor on his dad’s old Chevy, or talking to a girl on the phone, or, or, anything but getting in the car and taking his AK-47 to a place where he knew there would be trouble? His life is ruined as well as the two he killed. I hope knowing he was a dedicated Trump supporter—first row at a January rally in Iowa—is enough to sustain him in prison for the rest of his life.

I am curious what do you think about shooters who are Bernie’s supporters…

By “shooters who are Bernie’s supporters…” I assume you mean the guy who shot Steve Scalise at a baseball field in D.C. That shooter got what he deserved and is probably getting the red-hot pitchfork right now.

My research could not turn up any other “shooters” associated with Sanders. He did have some nasty supporters who tried to intimidate people on social media, but that’s all I could find. Maybe you have other information.

In contrast, Trump is linked to more than a dozen acts of violence, including the El Paso shooter who took Trump’s “invasion” rhetoric to a tragic end, or Cesar Sayoc who got 20 years in prison for mailing pipe bombs to liberals who were consistently in Trump’s rhetoric (luckily, no one was killed). You could also link the death of Heather Heyer, who was killed by a Nazi in Charlottesville, to Trump, who said, there were “some very fine people on both sides.”

Even the horrific killing of 51 Muslims in New Zealand was committed by a nut who wrote that Trump was “a symbol of renewed white identity and common purpose.” Likewise, the Gilroy shooter was linked to white supremacy.

As for the kid in Wisconsin, I sincerely hope he doesn’t spend the rest of his life in prison. Hopefully, he’ll get a lighter sentence and with some counseling can have some semblance of a future.



To quote Joe Biden: “Here is the thing”. When police doesn’t protect you (whether due to cuts or politics) some vacuum appears. And it is filled by vigilantes. Some are good, many are really bad.

No 17 yo should have a weapon, period, 100%. But, for the God’s sake, let police do their job and protect the businesses and homes. No vacuum, no vigilantes.

So, at age 13 when I was NRA trained and certified in the basement of the Atascadero Vets Memorial Building and went skeet shooting at the Atascadero range with dad and my brother that was wrong? Apparently, you didn’t grow up on the central coast in the 60’s and 70’s.

I did not grow here. And I do acknowledge the difference between shooting at the range with your dad and taking a rifle to another city, alone, to protect the businesses from rioters and looters.

I was going to comment but its not worth the time! Good luck in the city council race and if you win ! I think an investigation or a study of affordable housing for the rich and the poor and don’t forget the middle class is in order!