Who is attempting to rig the jury in the Tianna Arata case?

October 8, 2020

Tianna Arata standing on a highway barrier


After attending rallies supporting protesters’ assertions they did not break the law when they blocked traffic on Highway 101, attorneys representing SLO protest leader Tianna Arata are requesting that a judge impose a gag order on both the California Highway Patrol and the San Luis Obispo Police Department.

Arata’s attorney’s filed a complaint on Monday seeking that the San Luis Obispo Area CHP and SLO Police Department be barred from discussing the case on social media or with the press.

The filling claims the law enforcement agencies spread blatantly false narratives and prejudicial misinformation in several Facebook and Instagram posts.

In one of the posts referenced, the CHP stated, while on Highway 101 on July 21, a group of protesters became violent and circled a driver. Protesters attacked the vehicle, with one suspect jumping on the hood of the car and another suspect breaking the rear window with a skateboard.

The shattered glass hit a four-year-old child in the backseat, according to the CHP.

Arata’s attorneys claim the CHP and SLO Police Department have jeopardized their client’s right to a fair trial with an unbiased jury.

However, supporters of Arata have also promoted their narrative that the drivers were the aggressors on social media and at rallies.

Arata is currently facing 13 misdemeanor charges for her actions on July 21, when she led approximately 300 protesters onto Highway 101, blocking all lanes in both directions for nearly an hour. In addition to the incident involving the smashed window, protesters blocked drivers trying to exit the highway, including a father attempting to take his pregnant daughter to the hospital.

Prosecutors have charged Arata with one count of unlawful assembly, one count of disturbing the peace, six counts of obstruction of a thoroughfare and five counts of false imprisonment. Arata has yet to enter a plea in the case.

In addition, Arata could face additional charges as the CHP concludes its investigation.

Arata is scheduled for a hearing on the gag motion and a motion to dismiss on Oct. 22.

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Time for Tiana Isis Arata to suck it up, pay her fines, and do her time!

Did anyone catch this second to the last sentence:

“In addition, Arata could face additional charges as the CHP concludes its investigation.”

That might prove to be very interesting.

Nah. There’s trash and greatness on both sides of the isle. It all depends on the individual candidate. I’d cross over and vote for a demo in a heartbeat, if the candidate was better than the corresponding rep.

Yes, Tianna and her supporters are obviously spreading lots of lies and misinformation to try to get her off. As I commented below, the protesters threatening behavior is unacceptable and must be countered with the force of law. We need to call this out and make sure justice is served in this case.

However, the solution is not to be a mindless sheep and “vote red across the ticket”. This is the worthless “us vs them” partisan mentality that has caused political dysfunction at all levels. Voters must evaluate each candidate on their merits and what their plans are if they gain office, not just which political party they decided to grovel in front of to gain support. Be an independent thinker and not just a partisan stooge and demand the same from any candidates you support. Make sure your elected officials remember that they work for YOU, not whatever party they might be a member of.

VERY well said! Thank you.

If you hire low inept Lawyers, they will drag on , on and on the case for the $$, in this case you have a self described violent woman who has a history of trouble. When she gets caught who does she go running too ?

Mommy, then for what ever reason they retain a San Luis Obispo Lawyer who is not so bright, he never went to an ABA accredited Law School, he went to the Online, Correspondence, School out of Los Angeles called ” Abraham Lincoln” (University) pretty much a low end non accredited school, it is known down here as the Bottom of the Barrel students, who could not pass to get into an ABA real University , they are a last resort for “Low or poorly rated students who could not get a good score on the LSAT.

Read their web site, it says volumes of a very cheap low end school, where future wannabe lawyers can go online and get a “Degree” from an online correspondence type education. They have had several people take the baby bar several times and then finally with help can pass the State Bar. But their education is suspect at best.

This Mr. Fisher is trying to get money and delay her Justice is just a typical stall motion that smells like a first year law student would try. To attempt to interfere in a ongoing criminal investigation and try to get a GAG order is a fraud pulled on the court, it will not be issued nor will his bogus demurrer. Tianna Arata or who ever she pretends to be is a violent, disrespectful adult who will by her own Video’s will convict her. The CHP is soon to request more charges as well as other agencies.

She also should be charged as a Co-Conspirator under the Federal Statutes as the IRS & FBI and others are investigating her fund raising, legal counsel and as her Bustisa should take the one felony get a deal and then testify against her like so many others are lined up to do.

So the answer is who is trying to “Rig” the Jury Pool ? Hum that is an easy one her lawyer since he does not have the capacity to deal with the fact his client is as Guilty as Hell watch her own posted vile, F!!! U videos.

To You Ms. Tianna if you hate the USA so much to burn , tear the US flag where men and women have died to defend it, i will buy you a free trip to Russia, China, N. Korea, Venezuela, Iran or any other Nation that would have you……………….

What they are really looking for is a change of venue, meaning, the jury pool has so much knowledge about this case that it would be impossible to find 12 individuals in this county who could rule fairly, therefore the trial would have to be moved to a different county.

She should just plead out and pay the fine or do the community service or weekends in jail. These are misdemeanors, hardly worth spending boatloads of money on for defense or prosecution. But it’s a great way to gain publicity for her and her lawyers.

Remember, Tianna herself and her supporters posted a lot of incriminating material online…

She won’t spend a dime, so what does she care. The more this is in the news, the more she gets attention and her 15 seconds of “fame.”

Protesters claim that drivers do not have the right to feel scared or threatened when being forcibly stopped and surrounded by protesters. Apparently they don’t remember what happened to Reginald Denny after protesters surrounded his vehicle chanting “No justice, no peace.” I am not surprised that anyone with Reginald’s savage beating on their mind would use any means necessary to drive away from a group of protesters surrounding their vehicle as quickly as possible.

So very true. I would only be thinking of two things in such a situation:

1.) How can I get away in order to avoid being physically attacked.

2.) (A very distant #2) How do I limit hurting others while seeing to #1?

Innocents who get corralled/detained by protestors most certainly have a right to take measures to ensure no harm will come to them.

Rigging a jury entails manipulating sitting jurors. Often by coercion due to threat of violence or payoff.

Influencing, or conversely denying influence, of a prospective pool is often the goal with these filings. Typically it is the Government who seeks the gagging—I bet most here remember Roger Stone. This is not a case of jury rigging. Not by a long shot. I wish CCN would get back to calling balls and strikes, and not be a player in the game. You know like you did when George Ramos was alive. Your coverage is skewed and a bit colored (pun intended) as it relates to this case.

I’d say CCN is exposing the truth, or hypocrisy, of the matter. No surprise here though, a certain faction of our country believes in “free” speech only if it is consistent with their beliefs….and they will spare no effort to silence the opposition.

So Mr Yan I’m told is really some wannabe Journalist named Aaron Ochs, who has a deplorable reputation and still lives with his Mom and Dad as he can not live on his own, no income , hides in his home ? sounds like a little boy scared to come out of the closet….

You obviously have no idea how the legal system works or does not work, you should go to the same online Law School her Lawyer went too ? You have a very large Jury selection Pool in San Luis Obispo, let the legal system do its job and stay in your closet.

These motions are both failed on the surface and will be denied and let the Trial Begin and “We the People” can see who did what and who is guilty of Crimes.

Nope. Not Aaron. Mr. Yan is truly Mr Yan. I live in plain sight. No need for made up name either like; Deposed.

I do love though that you’ve been triggered enough to do a deep dive on me. You should be a research scientist or a librarian with such skills.

Childish insults didn’t bother me in 5th grade, not sure why they should hurt me now. But that is all the right seems to have in their quiver these days; suction cup tipped insult arrows. A child’s toy that rarely sticks when launched.

Those remarks do tell us quite a bit about you though…

When challenged, not directly or personally mind you, but merely with an opposing viewpoint; you reply with insults and unfounded innuendo yet do not challenge my underlying arguments. If you had a worthwhile point to make you’d have done so without insults and made up crap. Basically you have weak sauce. Up your game.

You don’t need to be a lawyer to know that there is a difference between a rigged trial (an illegal act) and filing a motion to gag (common legal practice). Just common sense. If your lawyer tells you there is no difference between the two; find a new lawyer.

CCN should know that there is a difference as well.

I’ve seen firsthand plenty of insults thrown out by Mr Yan…pot calling the kettle black here (if that phrase is still allowed). CCN’s headline did not refer to a rigged trial…only that the defense is arguably attempting to “rig the jury.” Since the complaint (not a motion) was to silence SLO PD & CHP it essentially is an attempt to “rig” the jury pool…if one side is allowed to say whatever lies they want on social media or the press and the other is silenced, what other conclusion is reasonable? LE agencies are always careful about information released because of liability…however Arata can flat out lie without consequence. If her attorneys were attempting to change the venue (to another county) the article would be referring to a motion for a change of venue, which it does not. The fact that the defense wants to silence LE and not the other way around, should tell you how strong the prosecution’s case is….and I don’t think your statement that the government typically seeks the gag order is correct, I’d love to know your source(s) on that.

Notice how much of a chicken Tianna has become now that she is being held responsible for her actions?

We can thank our local leaders for not bending to the political pressures of her lawlessness. Hold her accountable!

Agree she (Tianna) and her mother need to be indicted and face a Jury trial and sent to State Prison in Colinga State Prison. Her lawyer Patrick Fisher never even went to a real Law School just a fake wannabe school Abraham Lincoln school of law is nothing but a online, corresponded school not a ABA University.

She now wants the public donations to pay for her cloths, jewelry, cell phone bills , food, and more get a job and be held accountable grow up and act like a woman not a taxpayer funded spoiled wannabe racial you are no Angela Davis and never will be anything but a racist looser.