Search was legal in Atascadero teacher child porn case, judge rules

A former Atascadero teacher who is accused of taking upskirt photos and videos of young females students has failed in his bid to throw out much of the prosecution’s evidence on the grounds it was obtained via a warrantless search... (Continue reading)

Arroyo Grande city manager resigns suddenly

By KAREN VELIE Arroyo Grande Manager James Bergman resigned suddenly on Thursday. Bergman was hired in March 2017 for a yearly salary of $179,000 plus benefits. During an Arroyo Grande City Council meeting on Tuesday, city officials discussed a $1.2... (Continue reading)

Woman killed in crash in Paso Robles

A woman died following a two car crash near the intersection of Niblick Road and Spring Street in Paso Robles on Thursday afternoon. Shortly before 3 p.m., officers responding to reports of a crash discovered a woman trapped in her... (Continue reading)

Gov. Gavin Newsom orders closure of Orange County beaches only

Despite previously indicating he had plans to close all California beaches and state parks, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Thursday that, starting Friday, only Orange County beaches must close. Last weekend, certain Orange County beaches were visibly crowded. This week, Newsom... (Continue reading)

Most SLO businesses financially impacted by shelter orders

Nearly 90 percent of San Luis Obispo businesses have lost revenue during the coronavirus pandemic, while 37 percent have seen more than three-quarters decreases in revenue, according to a SLO Chamber of Commerce survey. [Tribune] The San Luis Obispo Chamber... (Continue reading)

The absolute necessity to challenge Governor Newsom

OPINION by ANDY CALDWELL The California economy is on the verge of ruin, and our society is on the verge of collapse, because of the abusive power grab of Governor Gavin Newsom that has been aided and abetted by local... (Continue reading)

Eight CMC inmates with coronavirus, working to stop the outbreak

Eight inmates and one staffer at the California Men’s Colony (CMC) in San Luis Obispo County have tested positive for the coronavirus since April 11, according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. State and county health officials are... (Continue reading)

Gov. Gavin Newsom planning to shut down all California beaches

Gov. Gavin Newsom is planning to close all California beaches and state parks on Friday, after people seeking relief from the heat flocked to beaches last weekend. During a press conference on Wednesday, San Luis Obispo County Administrator Wade Horton... (Continue reading)

Arroyo Grande woman accused of intentionally causing fatal crash

Prosecutors are alleging an Arroyo Grande woman, who is charged with second-degree murder, drove while suicidal and intentionally caused a crash on Highway 227 last December that killed an elderly San Luis Obispo man. [Tribune] During a preliminary hearing earlier... (Continue reading)

Are SLO County leaders attempting to politicize the coronavirus?

OPINION by RICHARD SCHMIDT The most bizarre recent SLO Covid-19 moment came one day last week when we San Luis Obispo County people, listening to Gov. Newsom’s daily noon briefing, learned through this state-wide discussion that SLO County’s “elected leaders”... (Continue reading)