Cambria asks residents to cut water use by up to 40 percent

July 16, 2021


The Cambria Community Services District board voted on Thursday to declare a stage 4 water shortage and to ask residents and businesses to reduce their water usage by up to 40 percent.

Under the stage 4 water shortage declaration, Cambria residents and vacation rentals are allowed to use a maximum of three units of water per month. Businesses that use approximately the same amount of water as a single-family home, likewise, can consume no more than three units per month. However, if their average water use for the last 12 months is less than 3 units, businesses can consume no more than their monthly average.

Additionally, CSD staff will communicate with the largest water users in Cambria in attempt to reduce consumption.

The new water shortage rules prohibit the washing of vehicles at home. Also, residents can now only use potable water to landscape once a week. If irrigating twice a week, though, is necessary to maintain fire protection standards or to maintain landscape for erosion control, then residents can do so.

Residents may not empty and refill pools using potable water unless it is required for public health and safety. There will also be no new will-serves for projects including pool or spa installation.

The CSD will not issue any new temporary construction meter permits. No new water meters will be allowed, except for health and safety purposes, unless water demand is offset to a net zero increase.

Additionally, the district will revoke previous waivers for water use in excess of drought restrictions.

District staff has also been directed to prepare Cambria’s Water Reclamation Facility for operation in case the drought worsens.

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Nothing is going to change. We have no water for fire protection and the plant up San Simeon Creek Rd was used for tracer test only twice once it failed. The cost to operate is prohibited and it takes 60 plus days to receive a drop of toilet to tap water. The plant can be turned on only in an emergency so folks please conserve and tourist must pay their share ….

Why is it so hard to acquire a bit of land to build a large water tank upon?

Santa Rosa creek runs nearly year round, even during droughts. That means that there are live springs up stream from Cambria. How hard must it be to tap into a spring, divert a small amount to fill a tank, and provide water to the town? For that matter, since Cambria has already built a water treatment plant, how hard must it be to build a very large tank to hold the treated and clean water? Not a huge pool that must fight evaporation, but a sealed tank…like every other town and city in the county uses?

Quit whining about how little water you have, when you make poor choices in saving water, or planning for the future. It also wouldn’t hurt, if you stopped allowing so many people move in, with huge houses and yards. Cambria got along just fine with little water, until Cambria became far too large for the limited water to supply everyone. That’s the problem with promoting yourself as the place to visit, and live.