Cal Poly ranks lowest in Black student enrollment for state universities

November 28, 2022


Cal Poly has the lowest Black student enrollment rate among all public universities in California, a rank it has held for nearly two decades. [Cal Matters]

The San Luis Obispo campus, which is the most selective university in the California State University (CSU) system, enrolled just 146 Black undergraduate students this fall. The total equates to 0.7% of students enrolled this fall at Cal Poly.

Since 2003, Cal Poly has every year enrolled the smallest share of Black undergraduate among all CSU and University of California (UC) campuses. The enrollment rate has been below 1% for most of those years.

Cal Poly attracts the smallest percentage of Black freshman applicants of any CSU or UC campus, and it enrolls few Black students who transfer to four-year universities from community colleges.

The San Luis Obispo university is the only CSU or UC where more than half of undergraduate students are white, according to fall 2021 and 2022 enrollment data. However, a few other CSU campuses come close to having majority-white student bodies.

Additionally, Cal Poly has had the smallest percentage of low-income students of any UC or CSU since 2008.

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How many of them are on the football team?

Guess it’s time to stir the pot …causing issues when there are none.

Not surprising. The local area has few African-Americans and I don’t see any reason why out of state blacks would be interested. The athletic programs which might draw black athletes are dismal.

Just no reason for them to attend CP

Nonetheless, the college should be full of Hispanics, and currently they represent only about 17% of the university’s population, despite being over 40% of the local population. I wish CCN would do a story on that.

52% of car accidents occur within five miles of a driver’s home and 69% occur within ten miles. They forget to tell you 90% of driving occurs within 10 miles. The lesson…..? Statistics can be misleading.

Is this NEWS the current colleges are way to expensive for all most everyone and especially lower income levels so get to the root reduce the outragiouse fees and salaries and get back to education instead of Politics and money making

So like who cares what race, nationality, or creed a student who applies to Cal Poly is. If the university is short on a particular group maybe more of that group need to apply for admission.

Stop counting… if you want to end racial discrimination stop discriminating and counting skin color…

Its sick…

Racial metrics should have nothing to do with higher educations as should be the case for politics and sports too. If there is to be a level playing field at the CSU’s, they should not be allowed to ask age, gender, or race on all applications and just accept new students by their GPA and or previous CSU standing. For the purpose of tuition cost, out of state residents will need to self identify. This would be easy to enforce with the signed understanding that fraud or the lack of understanding acceptance rules will nullify any credits that may have been obtained.

Black individuals only make up 13% of the US population….