PG&E conducting aerial patrols above San Luis Obispo County

July 29, 2023


As part of its ongoing efforts to reduce wildfire risk, PG&E announced plans to conduct aerial patrols next week over portions of San Luis Obispo County.

As part of PG&E’s Vegetation Management Program, helicopter patrols will search for dead or dying trees. The goal is to manage trees and vegetation near power lines.

Starting Monday, patrols will check out electric transmission lines in Cambria, Creston, Paso Robles, Lake Nacimiento, Heritage Ranch, San Miguel and Santa Margarita.

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KSBY has been off the air twice in one week due to PG&E transmission line issues.

Little too late! Because of PG&E’s malfeasance in the not so distant past, we’re all now paying for that malfeasance with higher than we should have to pay monthly rates, not to mention the huge inconvenience of power outages in areas almost weekly. Absolutely pathetic.

What should they have done differently?

Ever heard of the San Bruno pipeline explosion?