California student suspended for wearing black face paint at football game

November 4, 2023


A middle school in California suspended a student last month for wearing black face paint at a football game, something that constituted a “hate incident,” according to a suspension notice issued by the school’s principal.

Muirlands Middle School Principal Jeff Luna also banned the eighth grade student from attending San Diego Unified School District sporting events for the remainder of the year for what he claims was blackface, the student’s father told CalCoastNews. A photo shows the boy was wearing face paint similar to what some football players wear, clearly not blackface, said the father, who asked not to be named.

On Oct. 13, the student wore black face paint when he attended a game between La Jolla High School and Morse High School. Muirlands Middle School is located in La Jolla, but the eighth grader was attending the football game in his free time, not as part of a school function. He wore black face paint, in part, for a TikTok video.

“He had a fun, great night without any trouble,” the student’s father said.

While he was at the game, no one accused the student of being in blackface. A Black security guard even told him to add more face paint, the student’s father said.

But five days after the game, the father was called into the principal’s office. Principal Luna said the face paint was blackface because Morse High School has a largely Black student body, the father said.

The suspension notice

Luna issued the eighth grader a two-day suspension for violating the school’s hate incidents policy related to offensive comments and intent to harm, the suspension notice shows. The notice describes the incident merely as the student “painted his face black at a football game.”

The father said he is appealing the suspension. He does not want his son to face false accusations and deal with mistreatment from educators as he progresses through the school system, the father said.

“I will absolutely clear his name,” he said.

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A child can choose a gender or to identify as an animal at school and everyone must respect that choice, but painting their face for a football game is unacceptable?

This crap has gone way too far.

When virtue signaling damages a kid’s life, we must push back against the perpetrator. This idiot Luna needs to be fired.


Absurdity elevated to new heights….that is “face painting”, NOT black face and is reminiscent of war or athletic masking used to challenge opponents. Many cultures have done that. This is an ignorant edict.

“This is an ignorant edict.”

By an exceedingly ignorant public school career bureaucrat on the public payroll. The father should consider massive litigation for slander and defamation against that so-called “principal” and the school district that employs him.

I think that principal and the school district just paved the way for an all expense four year college tuition.

I vote NOT guilty.

We’ve turned into a silly, nonsensical culture.

What if he wore white face paint ? Public School Rankings by State [Updated August 2023] 40 State out 50 States .

Jeff Luna needs to be fired for his lies, and complete lack of understanding . The kid likely doesn’t even know what blackface is, or means.

Halloween month + football game = black eye paint. Do these people not watch nfl or college ball? Poor kid is mimicking these players and fans.

And I thought morality police were bad. Good grief. Feel bad for the kid.