SLO County administrator fired amid allegations of sexual harassment

November 17, 2023

John Nilon


Following a more than two hour special San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors meeting, County Council Rita Neal announced Friday that the board had voted unanimously to fire John Nilon, the county’s interim administrative officer, for cause.

Nilon took over as county administrative officer on May 1, filling a vacancy created by Wade Horton’s resignation. Shortly after he stepped in, several female employees began complaining of unwanted touching, according to county sources.

At the time, however, no action was taken. It is unclear what prompted the board to call the special meeting.

During his time with the county, Nilon was paid approximately $25,000 a month, a $450 monthly car allowances and $1,475 a month for health insurance.

Horton resigned amid an evaluation requested by a member of the board majority – Bruce Gibson, Jimmy Paulding or Dawn Ortiz Legg – after Horton noted issues with joining Community Choice Energy.

Prior to his appointment to the board, Nilon made a donation to Gibson’s 2022 reelection campaign.

Assistant County Administrative Officer Rebecca Campbell will now serve as interim county administrative officer.


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David Edge harassing Gail Wilcox.

Bruce Gibson turns his assistant into his mistress.

Adam Hill harasses his assistant.

Someone remind me who Rita Neal’s partner is. How exactly did she become county counsel?

John Nilon starts harassing women from Day 1 on a new job.

Someone remind me how Ortiz-Legg got that solar job?

Enough. Bring the FBI in. Turn them loose on the 4th floor and just clean house. Everyone up there is dirty to some extent. Hold them accountable and clean house.

Stunning! What’s going on in the County Admin Building? First Supervisor Bruce Gibson messes around with his Aide and marries her after divorcing his wife, then former disgraced Supervisor Adam Hill hires aides that he messes around with to the point he commits suicide, and then a Gibson contributor who was appointed as interim County Administrator at Gibson’s urging gets fired by doing this? Are they putting Spanish Fly in the water that building?

What’s going on here? Does the Board of Supervisors have nothing to answer for?

A slime bag to say the least but you were paying this fool $25,000 + a month when the women he harrassed were making a lot less and doing all the work No one in SLO government warrants that pay !!!

good. Any news on Paso city manager former Crazy man chief Ty Lewis whom makes 300k a year, assaulting another crazy person at a meeting the other day? Paso Robles news reported on this and so did a few other outlets? Cops assaulting civilians. Not really news here. and it’s Paso, that butthole of the county, literally, it smells due to the Turd farm and springs.

The behavior must have been really blatant or he’d still have his job and the county would have covered it up.

They have before.

What a way to end your career Mr. Nilon. You’ve made a real mess!

So sorry for the victims, their families and Nilon’s family. Not sorry for him.

“Prior to his appointment to the board, Nilon made a donation to Gibson’s 2022 reelection campaign.”

Well, there you are, right there, folks……. He was being paid $25,000 a month- a MONTH !- with our taxpayer dollars after the Gibson/jimmy-boy/Dawn cabal fired Horton, and he contributed to Gibson’s campaign….. Quid pro quo ?

Now, somebody please tell us how MUCH he contributed to Gibson’s campaign.


So Supervisor Bruce Gibson has a sexual relationship with his admin assistant. Then Supervisor Adam Hill has a sexual relationship with his assistant, which leads to a lawsuit. Now, Gibson’s chosen CEO won’t stop touching women at work. Yuck!

Fired! Finally some actually consequences for our corrupt little government. Well done..

Just read todays article. Apparently they fired him after he quit. Guess I spoke too soon.