Reduce fossil fuel impacts, support wind energy

January 17, 2024

Dr. Ray Weymann

Opinion by Dr. Ray Weymann

A Jan. 11 piece in the CalCoastNews by Mr. Robert Sidenberg described opposition to the development of a wind farm off the coast of Morro Bay. It contained some misleading, as well as some factually incorrect, statements which should be pointed out.

Mr. Sidenberg expressed concern over the impact the development of a huge construction facility in Port San Luis would have. Over a year ago the Port of Long Beach initiated a proposal to build the infrastructure for such a facility for the construction and assembly of the turbines which would then be towed to a much smaller maintenance facility on the Central Coast.

Huge infrastructure already exists at the Port of Long Beach. They have recently obtained funds to develop this effort further. It seems highly unlikely that it is  feasible for such a construction facility to be built in Port San Luis.

The image of the turbine accompanying Mr. Sidenberg’s article gives the seriously misleading impression that the turbines would be visually highly obtrusive. In fact, even the nearest ones, 20 miles offshore, would be barely visible.

Mr. Sidenberg correctly notes that the manufacture of the turbines produces greenhouse gases. On this basis he seems to prefers natural gas as an energy source. In fact, a synthesis of many “life cycle” analyses of the total emissions given off from the construction, operation, and decommission of various energy sources for generating electricity shows that natural gas produces 40 times the amount of greenhouse gas emission as wind energy for the same amount of electrical power generated.

He also expresses a view that wind energy is costly and “inefficient” compared to natural gas and nuclear energy. The cost of wind energy continues to fall and is currently about the same as natural gas (and far less volatile) and also far less than for new nuclear facilities, according to a recent study carried out by the Lazard consulting firm.

Concerns are expressed over the environmental impact of the wind farm. Some of these impacts are associated with site evaluations and surveys of the area, while some are associated with ongoing operation of the wind farm. Prior to issuing the leases for the area, BOEM conducted a highly detailed Environmental Assessment and concluded that the environmental impacts associated with the site assessment were minimal and therefore the leases should proceed.

This is, of course, far from the end of the lengthy environmental reviews that will take place and solicitation of input for outlining the scope of such a review has already begun, but final approval of the project will take years and is hardly being rushed.

There will surely be adverse environmental impacts from the operation of the wind farm but it is highly premature to assume that they cannot be dealt with.

The final, and most important, point I wish to make is this: Mr. Sidenberg is hardly alone in insisting that any one of a number of projects for producing relatively clean energy or energy storage be put “somewhere else.” This is true whether it is wind, solar, nuclear energy or battery or compressed-air energy storage. But what is rarely mentioned is that the environmental and human cost of not drastically reducing our dependence on fossil fuels will be enormous, and in some cases, irreversible.

Dr. Ray Weymann, a 20-year resident of Atascadero, is a retired astrophysicist with 40 years experience in teaching and research.

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I want to express my gratitude to Cal Coast News giving us alternating views on a project that will impact all Californians and the central coast in particular. I’m looking forward to more.

Both Mr. Sidenberg and Dr. Weymann bring good points to the front of what should be a ongoing, well- mannered debate.

For me , the biggest feature to this topic is the money. Who will pay for it and where will those dollars flow from.

Currently, the last vestige of any measurable wealth is We, the Common People- through the redirection of tax dollars and subsidies for this project and ones similar. Most private investors aren’t showing up, I’m afraid.

And I’m afraid that the money is just not there anymore from us little guys.. Every city, state and the Federal Government are all deeply in the red.There is no miracle on the horizon to change that fact. Our grandchildren already are staring down a insurmountable pile of debt now. Today. When we have our next economic downturn , this will be painfully apparent to all. We can’t just keep getting new ‘Credit Cards’ to max out on new infrastructure, etc., while what we have ,(especially roads) continue to crumble before our eyes.

I don’t believe offshore windmills are part of some silver bullet plan that’s going to save us from what my research still shows to be the sometimes dubious and often times one-sided claims of impending Climate Doom. There is a lot of money and power on the table though.

This old man can’t remember when any idea or concept was so continually oversold – and for decades- whether it’s right or wrong.

Individuals who challenge these dire predictions are often not allowed to voice arguments against these blanket claims and are either censored or ‘shamed’ by name calling and labels.

The Scientific Method is not being allowed to operate in a normal fashion, as so much money ( read profit) is on the table, influencing grants, universities, and media providers. Self interest is a powerful force for corporations and governments too.

The Wind Industry is suffering setbacks on the East Coast. Both the Dutch and German( Siemens) companies are starting to pull back. Investors are anxious and don’t want to end up like the floundering EV industry next door. The public is reconsidering the prospect of paying much higher power rates or new taxes indefinitely , and telling their elected officals no.

So there it is….like the Bullet Train or the Delta Tunnels that will never be built, not enough is left to milk from the public to every pay for these fantastic and fanciful projects. American hubris leads many to believe there is nothing we can’t do, as long as we have enough of someone else money.

Better hope that ‘Climate Crisis’ is a miss , because , one way or another there is not enough money in this country to fix it or to bribe the Developing World into adopting a similar debt spiral we have now chosen for ourselves.

It is obvious to me that wind energy has a huge role to play .

It is a combination of alternative energy that is needed.Alternative to oil, gaz

Sure nothing is or will be perfect.But it will get better, more efficient.

Producing energy is not a zero impact process.

Let,s pour money in research, because the futur of the planet, ( our kids, grand kids and beyond) depend on less pollution.

If you think their

is no climate change ,travel, go in the outdoor, speak with the elders and it will be obvious that nature is changing rapidly.

FRANCE nuclear program is based on a different system, some of the wastes are recycled. They are having huge issue with building the next gen.of reactor, so it is not rosy.

I am confident that ingeniers and other will come up with new ideas.

By being not supportive we let countries like china, Korea, france and others leaving us behind .

So, How many Whales have sacrificed their lives back East, so we can have our lights on? I’ve heard it’s many! And I’ve heard, windmills are not as efficient as they want us to believe? But the impact on our coastlines negates the value of the energy produced in my opinion. Find a Valley instead!

What’s killing whales off the Northeast coast? It’s not wind farm projects, experts say ” ”    Fox News host Tucker Carlson went further, blaming the wind project for the death of the whales and calling offshore wind “the DDT of our times.”

A preliminary necropsy on the humpback whale conducted last weekend by scientists at the Marine Mammal Stranding Center found the whale “suffered blunt trauma injuries consistent with those from a vessel strike.” And on Wednesday, officials from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Bureau of Ocean Management told reporters no whale deaths have been attributed to offshore wind projects to date.   ”

Offshore Wind 101: More Answers from Experts, we share answers from experts at the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management and the National Wildlife Federation.

Tucker is full of shit and a putin buddy.


Where are the turbines manufactured? How much of the materials are mined by children in underdeveloped parts of the world? Will they be compiling data on bird strikes, particularly involving threatened raptor populations? Why must we accept the false dichotomy that our options are 500 foot tall turbines or Dickensian smoke stacks belching toxic smog? Have we lost our innovative abilities and cannot contemplate developing cleaner burning methods of using natural gas? I’m not even addressing the irrational fear of nuclear power left over from the ridiculous movie The China Syndrome. I’m getting the strong impression that this is just a new flavor of gift. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

The solar wind people always…ALWAYS…fail to factor in the huge amount of time that solar and wind generation, does NOT work.

They will loudly proclaim that the offshore wind farm will make energy amounts almost equal to Diablo, as soon as EACH AND EVERY WINDMILL IS WORKING.

Anyone with the smallest bit of logic, knows that is impossible. IMPOSSIBLE to spin a wind generator when the wind is too high. Too low. During storms. And during high wave activity. As every other nation who does have offshore facilities will tell you, that their wind farms fail to deliver anything close to the promise of free and plenty energy production.

The massive Topaz solar plant in California Valley, has NEVER gone 100%. It can’t.

Sweden, discovering that wind energy is crap, has decided to abandon their offshore projects, and re-start their nuclear program.

France, gleefully sells abundant nuclear generated power to Germany. Germany abandoned coal and nuclear, for so-called “renewable” energy, and now depends on Russia for natural gas to keep their some of their lights on.

The solar wind people also note, that massive Diablo style plants can’t be built. “Waste of money! Costs too much! Chernobyl! Fukushima! Three Mile Island!”. Nothing stopping this state and America from building dozens of small and efficient plants—like France—that would safely and CLEANLY provide power 24/7/365 through storms and the dark of night, without the 100’s of 1000’s of acres, and square miles of expensive low production wind and solar.

“Sweden, discovering that wind energy is crap, has decided to abandon their offshore projects, and re-start their nuclear program.”

I guess you missed this headline: “Swedish giant Ikea plans world’s biggest offshore wind farm in Baltic Sea”

Yes, Sweden’s right wing has tried to stop wind farms. Sweden’s conservatives are the most anti-green political group in Europe.

That fact, however, does not make wind farms a bad idea. The movement against renewables is another wrong-headed anti-science policy stance that conservatives often take. I still remember arch-conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh declaring that cigarettes were not harmful to one’s health and that, like guns, they would have to be pried from his cold, dead hand. May Rush rest in peace.

The science is in, we must wean ourselves off of fossil fuels as expeditiously as possible. Wind is a viable option. Nuclear is fine, but it works in France because France is not part of the Pacific Ring of Fire where earthquakes and tsunamis are likely. California is, and so it makes no sense to play with fire. No pun intended.

The operative phrase being, “…as expeditiously as possible”. OK, but what about the fact that nearly every product in our lives, from our clothes, to our appliances, our packaging, medical equipment, all utilize fossil fuels in their manufacture? What’s the substitute? Plant-based polymers cannot make up the difference without putting even more acres under monoculture. No one has fully explained how exactly we maintain our advanced standard of living in the post fossil fuels era. This is really a degrowth movement, and that’s just not going to sell worldwide. I’m open to hearing your arguments.

Interesting to look at the ACTUAL, unsubsidized, energy costs of offshore wind vs other technologies, paints a much more unfavorable picture. Statista has a wealth of actual data vs projections.

Can you point to any type of energy production that is not subsidized?

Can we account for the non-internalized cost (more $ spent on sick people ) associated with high polluting energy production? I doubt Statista considers this piece

All things factor in.

Sooo, a good place to start is by keeping every nuclear plant running in the us, no “health costs”, all the capital investment has been recovered, lower cost per kWh since they are already paid for, zero carbon production.

Pure BS. We cannot do anything to change the climate other than run the air conditioning.Climate and fossil fuels have about as much to do with each other as dogs and brain surgery. If you don’t believe me look at graphs over a long period of time. People died in Texas because of this green energy stuff and I just read a study that said England made a huge mistake investing in Wind. If it isn’t broke then don’t try to fix it. Nuff said.