Two defendants sentenced for animal cruelty in Santa Barbara County

May 11, 2024


The Santa Barbara County District Attorney’s Office announced Friday that two defendants were sentenced to jail in separate animal cruelty cases. [KCOY]

David George Brown, 47, pleaded guilty to felony animal cruelty stemming from abusive behavior patterns against his female pit bull. The cruelty included smacking, punching, kicking, pushing and grabbing and twisting the pit bull’s ear.

Brown once stomped on the dog’s ribs with his shoe and wrangled her by the neck. The Lompoc man received a 72-day jail sentence, as well as two years of supervised probation and prohibition from animal ownership for 10 years.

In the other case, Bianca Alexis Rodriguez, 42, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor animal cruelty. Rodriguez allowed two pit bulls in her custody to escape. 

Those pit bulls then tore through a fence and attacked a neighbor’s French bulldog. The bulldog died from his injuries following the attack.

A judge sentenced her to 84 days in jail and a ten-year animal ownership prohibition.


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Why does the felony animal cruelty impose less jail time than the misdemeanor animal cruelty? As is often the case, the criminal justice system makes no sense to me. Willful violent abuse 72 days, dogs ripping through a fence is obviously neglectful, but is not willful violence and she gets 84 days? I think that neither should have pets for not just 10 years but the rest of their life. Animals deserve much better.

You’re right. Lock em up and throw away the key or your labradoodle is next.

people who complain about eating horses and octopus, snowflakes.

but I can eat baby animals and it’s called Food? Pft. I can slaughter cattle and hogs like a psycho, and they’re the same as dogs, God forbid I hurt an animal I humanized said a psycho.

but Kristy Noam* can shoot her dog and goat because she is unable to perform animal “husbandry”? And the Bidens dog wasnt raised ethically either. if you can’t raise a dog to be a dog and respect that, or be unable to raise, render and rear animals with ethics, Should you be able to Breed. we need iq tests for pet ownership and the ability to procreate. Gosh darn closeted gay conservatives hate women so much they’re outlawibg abortion and in return creating a welfare state of single Moms who ruin single dad’s lives. Thanks Dog beaters.

In a twisted kind of way, I think you’re right.