Strong-arm robbers target Walgreens in Atascadero, land in jail

June 15, 2024


A pair of strong arm robbers landed in jail after they assaulted a clerk at the Walgreens Pharmacy in Atascadero on Wednesday.

Shortly after 6 p.m., a store clerk noticed a woman loading merchandise into a large trash bag inside the store. The clerk told a coworker to call the police and watched as the suspect started to walk to the exit.

The clerk  followed the suspect and told her to stop, at which point the suspect hit the employee in
the face. Along with a second woman who was also carrying unpaid merchandise in her arms, the assailant left the store, got into a vehicle and fled the scene.

Officers arrived to find the injured employee, who later sought treatment at Twin Cities Community Hospital, but not the suspects.

Shortly before 9 p.m., California Highway Patrol officers spotted the suspects in Gonzales in Monterey County. The suspects drove away after officers attempted to pull over their vehicle, drove into a drainage ditch and fled on foot.

Officers found and arrested the women: Nashawn Goldie Smith, 29, from Stockton and Justice Anika Busby, 25, from Daly City.

Atascadero officers recovered the stolen merchandise and transported the suspects to the San Luis Obispo County Jail where they are being held on multiple charges.

Smith is charged with robbery, conspiracy, battery along with enhancements because of her prior criminal history. She remains in jail without bail.

Busby is charged with attempt to steal merchandise worth $950 or less, robbery and enhancements because of her prior criminal history. Her bail is set at $100,000.


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Justice (and Nashawn) was served.

The cost of gas to Atascadero from Stockton and Daily City and the cost of the $110K bail indicates these two may not be the brightest bulbs in the box.

Toss the key.