Paso Robles City Council votes to raise garbage rates by 11.5%

January 28, 2025


The Paso Robles City Council voted earlier this month to raise garbage rates by 11.5%. The rates are slated to increase in February.

Paso Robles rate payers had 45 days to send in written letters protesting the rate increase. If a majority of rate payers had submitted a written protest before the hearing, the rates would not go up.

However, only 13 residents sent in written protest letters.

Countywide, multiple garbage companies have requested rate increases because of new requirements to process food waste, higher gas prices and other increasing costs. Garbage companies are restricted to a 7% profit for their services.

The rate increase in Paso Robles is one of the smallest in San Luis Obispo County.


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Of course Morro Bay, you could NEVER consider touching these ridiculous salaries and pensions? Never a thought for taxpayers? Not a little thought? A tiny little thought?

Wow! I’m jealous. Here is Los Osos we’ve just weathered a 96% increase and are now facing a yearly 13% for the next few years. How can this possibly be? I’d really like to know about who restricts garbage companies to 7% yearly profits. Is that even true?

Why don’t cities have websites where people can click their protest letter? writing a letter is a older person world.