Mothers for Peace
Diablo Canyon should shut down now
Opinion by Jane Swanson and Linda Seeley San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace (SLOMFP) learned this morning of Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s (PG&E’s) proposal to withdraw its application for license renewal for the two reactors at Diablo Canyon nuclear plant. The current licenses expire in 2024 and 2025. PG&E’s proposal secures a date certain […]... (Continue Reading)
30 organizations oppose Diablo Canyon bill
Statement by Mothers for Peace Thirty environmental, health and other organizations today announced their opposition to California state legislation that would mandate an analysis of purportedly negative – but not positive – impacts of shutting down the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant. In a formal opposition letter, the groups say SB 968 could amount to “a […]... (Continue Reading)