Recent Comments:


  • "I think you're missing what I'm saying. There is limited space in a downtown, every bit of it can be put to a valuable use, and needs to be maintained. As good conservatives know, there is no such thing as a free lunch - someone is paying for that parking spot and there are really only two choices: resident tax payers of Paso can pay for the parking, or people who park pay for the parking. I prefer the later option. Also isnt the great thing about Pioneer Day that parking is removed and downtown is full of people, not parked cars? Adds to my point - downtowns are for people and businesses, every parking spot is two tables for a restaurant to have summer seating. I prefer people to cars and trucks."

    L.B. Jefferies commented in:
    Paso Robles City Council votes to dump paid parking on 2024-05-09 07:33:49





  • "Think of initiative writers and signers as "the super informed". These are the citizens who have an inkling of what goes on in California. The vast majority of voters are "lightly informed", those that vote for Bruce Gibson for example. The "super informed" are the voters that Gov. Hairdo and his ilk, fear. So naturally, these are the voters they wish to suppress with measures such as you see illustrated in this article."

    Michael A. commented in:
    California Supreme Court to weigh removing ballot measure aimed at impeding tax hikes on 2024-05-09 06:18:29


  • "What's this shows is the actual destain the majority of counsel members hold for the local citizens. A appointed mayor ( previous mayor knew he was sick and shouldn't have run) and a appointed counsel woman that represents the mayor's previous district. Hamon has never considered the citizens, he has only pushed for what Wine Country Alliance and Travel Paso aka the "stakeholders" has pushed for, as well as what benefits his 99 year leases at the airport. The citizens give 3 million a year to Travel Paso so they can wine and dine the wealthy in hopes for being thrown a small bone. In a Q an A with the city they admitted theyvhave 41 million in unfunded road liabilities, as well as 41 million in unfunded calper penisons liabilities, their answer was "like most cities"....We are not most cities, we have sat on a tourism gold mine while the wealthy has bilked it, and took advantage of true local citizens. Paso has amazing wine! But shitty roads..And city leaders as well. Time for Change...."

    roadzombie805 commented in:
    Paso Robles City Council votes to dump paid parking on 2024-05-08 23:44:51

  • "Grandpa relax Brah Cayucos is alive and well when you stop and take a minute all the kids in the hood are living large shooting on blacktop hoop goals get off your million dollar roof top deck mingle with the common folk Who loves ya Jd" commented in:
    Where have all the Cayucos hoopers gone? on 2024-05-08 22:29:58




  • "Only recently, has parking been a "paid for" situation. Thanks to those who moved here, from where paid parking is mandatory. Were you here, when the hot rod clubs from across the state, would make the Memorial Day, and Labor Day runs to Paso? Filled the hotels and motels to capacity. Filled the restaurants to capacity, filled the bars to capacity.....and filled the streets to capacity. All manor of fantastic artistry in automotive iron imaginable. The main focal point of the gathering, was City Park, where the show stopping street machines would back into the numerous slots around the park, set up their beach chairs and picnic gear, and relax in a town that loved them to be there. Well, until we got a Police Chief from Los Angeles (you know, where paid parking is mandatory?), who demanded, with threat of fines and towing, that the heavy spending (including taxes) hot rodders park NOSE in. Well, that just not done for a "show and shine". It didn't take too many to be fined and towed, for the twice a year car show to disappear....along with, their Lord knows how much, revenue to the city coffers. Also, Pioneer Day? Used to be only essential businesses could be open (gas stations, grocery stores etc). Had a non-essential business? Not open for Pioneer Day! Yeah...I'll let you guess what happened, when too many business owners that did not originate from the North County, came to Paso from places where paid parking is mandatory. I'll give you a hint---who's NOT open that day? I've no doubt, that soon enough, the people from places where paid parking is mandatory, will shut down Pioneer Day as wasteful, road damaging, and anti-climate (especially with all those free beans). Does Paso still allow horses on the streets?"

    Messkit commented in:
    Paso Robles City Council votes to dump paid parking on 2024-05-08 18:30:53








  • "Is the city council going to implement a plan to automatically reimburse all of the illegal traffic fines they made people pay due to the cities illegal paid parking program? The wasteful spending by this council on paid parking and all the problems it encountered over the last few years is inexcusable. I hope the voters remove every member on the city councel that favored paid parking and who continuesly chose to fight the locals and downtown business owners instead of listening to their concerns over paid parking."

    bb commented in:
    Paso Robles City Council votes to dump paid parking on 2024-05-08 14:57:28


  • "This ballot measure seems to forget we are a Republic, it is the legislatures constitutional responsibility to set taxes, if those taxes are too high, or too low to fund the government we vote the rascals out. I'm exhausted with special interest groups - left and right - trying to run this state via ballot measure. If you don't like policies or want to see changes, you elect a majority to the State Legislature, State Senate, and Governor's mansion. If you lose it's either because the people aren't in agreement, or they are, but are really put off by some other position you hold. I'm ticked off with Democrats holding a trifecta for over a decade, but I think it's fair to be even more ticked off with Republicans who either don't have the brains or the guts to shift policy and message in order to win, just a bunch of virtue signalers who can't even unseat Gavin Newsom in an off year election. Madison is rolling in his grave."

    L.B. Jefferies commented in:
    California Supreme Court to weigh removing ballot measure aimed at impeding tax hikes on 2024-05-08 14:15:48



  • "
    The driver told officers they mistook their vehicle’s brake petal for the gas petal.

    And apparently at no point, while their car launched up a curb, through a brick facade, and into the restaurant lobby... did their brain reevaluate the situation and move their foot to the other pedal!? The lack of reaction time here is impressive. How bad do you have to be at driving, to where you risk manslaughter while exiting parking spots, before you turn in your keys and call it a wrap for ever driving again?"

    FoxtrotYankee commented in:
    Car crashed into Paso Robles restaurant on 2024-05-08 13:06:18







